O fim da era Trident

Eu diria que a Microsoft está vários anos-luz à frente de todos no desenvolvimento de ferramentas para projetar sites complexos. Agora essas tecnologias são reinventadas nas ruínas de uma civilização falecida.

Quando eu era criança, sempre fui fascinada por histórias sobre civilizações antigas. Li livros sobre Atlântida, a história da descoberta de Tróia por Heinrich Schliemann , gregos, romanos, império inca e Egito antigo . E eu sempre fui fascinado por seus conhecimentos avançados no campo da astronomia , matemática e medicina , suas realizações incríveis, a construção desses enormes monumentos e a construção de sistemas sociais altamente funcionais. O que é ainda mais inacreditável é que tudo isso foi feito milhares de anos antes do advento da cultura cristã!

No entanto, todas essas civilizações altamente desenvolvidas acabaram desaparecendo. Alguns simplesmente morreram silenciosamente, outros foram suplantados por civilizações com armas melhores. Na maioria dos casos, as conquistas dos derrotados não foram transferidas para o grupo dominante, sem enriquecer os vencedores. Eles simplesmente desapareceram. O que eu sempre considerei um evento de desenvolvimento infeliz.

A Era do Motor Tridente

Windows 10 Microsoft Edge Chromium. , Trident.

Trident , Edge? .

Microsoft Edge 2015 , Trident EdgeHTML , ActiveX ( Java- Microsoft) IE. , -, IE 11 Edge 17. Edge Chakra, JavaScript, . , , Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer -. Microsoft . , -, - Edge, - , Google API Google I/O Chrome Dev. Google, Google, Angular AMP, Google, Gmail, Search, Drive, Maps, Google Docs, Analytics , , Lighthouse. , , HTML5, , Google -, -. Google Gears? Google Chrome Frame?

, Internet Explorer. ActiveX Internet Explorer 3.0 <object>, « » Java. , IE. , AJAX: JavaScript Exchange / Outlook Web Access, Gmail. Microsoft, Internet Explorer 5.0 1999 . AJAX .


document.designMode (, Hotmail) contentEditable, DOM, Drag-n-Drop API, ifram . Internet Explorer , :

Microsoft . Internet Explorer  (!) 100 . . !

«[] HTML- iframe. , « », ».

2012 Internet Explorer -. Windows 8 Windows Store, Windows Store Apps. , Windows, Xbox Windows Phone. Microsoft , . -. - JavaScript- WinJS, Internet Explorer 10.

Windows UI -, Microsoft IE : CSS Grid, CSS Flexbox, CSS Scroll Snap Points Pointer Events API ( , Apple Touch API).

Microsoft , Origin Trials. , Edge 2015 .

, , Internet Explorer , . , , . , IE, , Microsoft . !


— MHTML «MIME- HTML-». MHTML , . MHTML HTML-, , CSS, JavaScript- , base64. data URI . MHTML Web Bundles. IE 5, Opera Presto. MHTML, Chromium , chrome://flags/#save-page-as-mhtml. MHTML IETF, - .

: Outlook Express MHTML .eml .

Internet Explorer , HTTP :

<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter"
      content="RevealTrans(Duration=0.600, Transition=6)">

, , . , :

  • 0 — Box in
  • 1 — Box out
  • 2 — Circle in
  • 3 — Circle out
  • 4 — Wipe up
  • 5 — Wipe down
  • 6 — Wipe right
  • 7 — Wipe left
  • 8 — Vertical blinds
  • 9 — Horizontal blinds
  • 10 — Checkerboard across
  • 11 — Checkerboard down
  • 12 — Random dissolve
  • 13 — Split vertical in
  • 14 — Split vertical out
  • 15 — Split horizontal in
  • 16 — Split horizontal out
  • 17 — Strips left down
  • 18 — Strips left up
  • 19 — Strips right down
  • 20 — Strips right up
  • 21 — Random bars horizontal
  • 22 — Random bars vertical
  • 23 —

Page-Enter, Page-Exit, Site-Enter Site-Exit. — , .

, DOM. ramjet , , .

CSS Transitions CSS crossfade().

( 600 ):

img.style.filter = 'blendTrans(duration=0.600)';

, - , :


, :

img.src = 'different-src.jpg';

Internet Explorer 4+. 1997 , CSS Filters, Apple Safari 6 2012 .

Matrix Filter Internet Explorer , CSS Transforms:

transform: rotate(15deg);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(
            SizingMethod='auto expand');

Chroma Filter , .

, Internet Explorer 10? , CSS-:

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled='false',
                startColorstr=#550000FF, endColorstr=#55FFFF00)

, Internet Explorer 8- hex- RGBA, CSS 2016 CSS Color Module Level 4.

Internet Explorer 1999 , 2013 Safari .

body {
  scrollbar-base-color: #C0C0C0;
  scrollbar-3dlight-color: #C0C0C0;
  scrollbar-highlight-color: #C0C0C0;
  scrollbar-track-color: #EBEBEB;
  scrollbar-arrow-color: black;
  scrollbar-shadow-color: #C0C0C0;
  scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #C0C0C0;


Internet Explorer , box-sizing: border-box . Microsoft , CSS WG , width , .

«, . , . - , . . («»). . -, , , . , , . ».

IE 6 , . , . doctype HTML- ( 'use strict'; JavaScript).


html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

*, *::before, *::after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

CSS Expressions

Internet Explorer CSS Expressions, CSS, « ». , JavaScript, CSS, CSS. CSS Houdini calc() .

, min() max():

width: expression(Math.min(this.parentElement.clientWidth, 400) + 'px');

, 400px. , max-width. this .

IE , CSS «», :

zoom: expression(
    this.runtimeStyle.zoom = '1',
                        ? this.childNodes[0]
                        : null)).className='before',

CSS- zoom. , 1. . <span>, , .before .after. Internet Explorer 8 , , CSS-, .

CSS- IE , . , CSS- CPU . «» CSS , , , , . :

background: expression('#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777216).toString(16));

, . ( - ):

, ? , - CSS JavaScript. JavaScript, . , : CPU JavaScript . , , this.style this.runtimeStyle ( Microsoft, style CSS, ). ,  â€” :

  window.calcWidth = '100%';
  window.updateWidth = false;
  window.onresize = function() {
    window.updateWidth = true;
  .element {
    width: expression(
      updateWidth ?
        calcWidth = Math.min(this.parentElement.clientWidth, 400) + 'px',
        updateWidth = false
      ) :

JavaScript? , JavaScript. , . polyfill CSS , . .

Internet Explorer , . @font-face CSS 2.0, CSS 2.1, . Microsoft , - Monotype: Embedded OpenType (EOT). EOT . , Microsoft Web Embedding Fonts Tool (WEFT) , no embedding. , . , URL- , , URL- .

2008 Microsoft Monotype EOT W3C. , gzip () MicroType Express. W3C , gzip, 2010 WOFF.

« , URL , HTTP (origin), URL : , URL, . , WOFF MicroType Express Brotli, gzip».

: PowerPoint 2007 2010, .pptx EOT.

HTML-: Attached Behaviors, Element Behaviors Default Behaviors

1998 Microsoft , , CSS Houdini Web Components. HTML Components:

« HTML . , HTML HTML- . HTML- ; HTML- ( HTC) , HTML, CSS JavaScript.

— , , « » , , . , . HTML -».

, Microsoft prior art Web Components.

HTML- Internet Explorer 5 1999 ,  â€” Internet Explorer 9 2010 .

HTML-: Attached Behavior, Element Behavior Default Behavior.

Attached Behavior

Attached Behavior CSS Houdini Worklet, (.htc), , . CSS:

img {
  behavior: url(roll.htc);

.htc XML- , , . DOM element. Attached Behavior , ( ):

<public:attach event="onmouseover" onevent="rollover()" />
<public:attach event="onmouseout" onevent="rollout()" />
var originalSrc = element.src;
function rollover() {
    element.src = "rollover-" + originalSrc;
function rollout() {
    element.src = originalSrc;

Element Behavior

Element Behavior : .htc , , . Custom Elements Web Components. (Light DOM), Shadow DOM. Shadow DOM Microsoft Viewlink. Viewlink (opt-in). Shadow DOM, , .

«Viewlink — Element Behavior, HTML (DHTML) -».

Element Behavior HTML CSS. XML, :

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html xmlns:custom>
  <?import namespace="custom" implementation="RollImgComponent.htc">

custom — XML. <?import> , CSS: .htc . .htc :

  1. HTML-, : <public:component tagname="rollimg">
  2. HTML, , : <public:property name="src" />
  3. <template>.

<public:component tagname="rollimg">
  <public:attach event="onmouseover" onevent="rollover()" />
  <public:attach event="onmouseout" onevent="rollout()" />
  <public:property name="src" />

<img id="image" />

  // IE's document.getElementByID
  var img = document.all['image'];
  img.src = element.src;
  img.id = undefined;

  function rollover() {
    img.src = "rollover-" + element.src;
  function rollout() {
    img.src = element.src;

, .htc document . HTML:

<custom:rollimg src="logo.png">

. DOM :

<custom:rollimg src="logo.png">
  <img src="logo.png" />

, img , HTML- DOM CSS. , . , Internet Explorer Shadow DOM viewLink:

<public:component tagname="rollimg">
  <public:attach event="onmouseover" onevent="rollover()" />
  <public:attach event="onmouseout" onevent="rollout()" />
  <public:property name="src" />

<img id="image" />

  // Activates IE's Shadow DOM
  defaults.viewLink = document;

  // IE's document.getElementByID
  var img = document.all['image'];
  img.src = element.src;

  function rollover() {
    img.src = "rollover-" + element.src;
  function rollout() {
    img.src = element.src;

Default Behavior

— HTML-. , , CSS XML .

— behavior:url(#default#download).

, , download .click(). , :

the following element needs to be created once in the document.
It then exposes new utility methods you can use, like .startDownload()
<span id="download" style="behavior:url(#default#download)"></span>

<button onclick="download.startDownload('menu.pdf')">Download</button>

behavior: url(#default#userData). , localStorage, . , input IE:

  #store {
    behavior: url(#default#userData);

  function save(){
    store.setAttribute('username', username.value);
    store.setAttribute('email', email.value);
  function restore(){
    username.value = store.getAttribute('username');
    email.value = store.getAttribute('email');

<span id="store"></span>
<input id="username">
<input id="email">
<button onclick="restore()">restore values</button>
<button onclick="save()">save values</button>

localStorage IE, .

Client Capabilities

Client Capabilities. , . , navigator.offline Network Information API:

<span id="clientcapabilities"

  // Either "modem" or "lan" or "offline"
  var connectionType = clientcapabilities.connectionType;


, Internet Explorer ? SMIL, Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language. , , , , . Microsoft W3C, Internet Explorer. Microsoft , HTML W3C : HTML+TIME (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions). W3C , SMIL 2.0 XHTML+TIME. 1999 Internet Explorer 5 1.0. Internet Explorer 5.5 HTML+TIME 2.0, XHTML+TIME W3C. , Microsoft , 'X'.

Default Behavior, CSS, (XML). . , :

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    .time {
      behavior: url(#default#time2);
<div class="time" repeatcount="5" dur="10" timecontainer="par">
  <p class="time" begin="0" dur="4">First line of text.</p>
  <p class="time" begin="2" dur="4">Second line of text.</p>
  <p class="time" begin="4" dur="4">Third line of text.</p>
  <p class="time" begin="6" dur="4">Fourth line of text.</p>

, XML, HTML-, body:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html xmlns:t="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">
  <?import namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">
<body id="body">
  <t:animateColor targetElement="body"
    from="black" to="white"
    begin="0" dur="3" fill="hold"/>

HTML, , <video> <audio>, :

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html xmlns:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">
  <?import namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">
  <t:video id="video" src="video.mpeg" type="video/mpeg"/>
  <div class="controls">
    <button type="button" onclick="video.resumeElement()">play</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="video.pauseElement()">pause</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="video.speed = 1">1x</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="video.speed = 4">4x</button>

, Windows . , , MPEG-1 AVI, Microsoft Video-1.

Microsoft HTML5:

<video id="html5video" autoplay muted>
  <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
  <t:video id="video" src="video.mpeg" type="video/mpeg"/>
<div class="controls">
  <button type="button"
    onclick="html5video.play ? html5video.play() : video.resumeElement()">play</button>
  <button type="button"
    onclick="html5video.pause ? html5video.pause() : video.pauseElement()">pause</button>
  <button type="button"
    onclick="html5video.playbackRate = video.speed = 1">1x</button>
  <button type="button"
    onclick="html5video.playbackRate = video.speed = 4">4x</button>

. . , IE 5.5-8.

Vector Markup Language

1999 Microsoft , : Vector Markup Language, VML. Autodesk, Hewlett-Packard, Macromedia, Microsoft Vision W3C 1998 . , W3C Precision Graphics Markup Language (PGML), Adobe Systems Sun Microsystems. , W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2001 . SVG Konqueror 3.2 2004 .

, VML , , HTML, . SVG VML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>SVG Ellipse</title>
  <ellipse cx="200"
    stroke-width="2" />

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" lang="en">
  <title>VML Ellipse</title>
  <style>v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}</style>
  style="position: absolute; width: 200; height: 100; left: 100; top: 30;"

, -.

Internet Explorer 4.0 1997 , . CSV <object>:

<object id="data" classid="clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83">
 <param name="DataURL" value="data.csv">

CSV- ( :)

<object id="data" classid="clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33">
    <param name="Server"  value="http://server">
    <param name="Connect" value="dsn=database;uid=guest;pwd=">
    <param name="SQL"     value="select name from people">

( , classid ).

, XML- <xml>…

<xml src="http://localhost/xmlFile.xml"></xml>


<xml id="data">
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
      <name>Willa Galloway</name>

XML XML Data Island , SVG, HTML, HTML, SVG <foreignObject>, .

«XML Data Islands — XML- HTML-. (. . ) XML- . « XML», HTML-».

, , Internet Explorer, , :

<input type="text" datasrc="#data" datafld="name">

input, . , :

<xml id="data">
<h1>Hello, <span datasrc="#data" datafld="name"></span>!</h1>
<label>Your name: <input datasrc="#data"

onkeyup="this.blur();this.focus()" â€” , (input).

Data Grid

Internet Explorer data grid, <table>. Tabular Data Control. datafld, HTML- — dataformatas, ,  â€” datapagesize. previousPage, nextPage, firstPage lastPage .

<table id="datagrid"
      <td><span datafld="name"></span></td>
      <td><span datafld="email"></span></td>
      <td><span datafld="phone"></span></td>
      <td><span datafld="city"></span></td>
<button onclick="datagrid.previousPage()">< previous</button>
<button onclick="datagrid.nextPage()">next ></button>


Internet Explorer propertychange, DOM. , , setAttribute() . / , ES6 Proxy. DOM propertychange:

<div id="store"></div>

  function handler() {
    // A magic 'event' variable is passed into
    // the event handler function. When coming
    // from the 'propertychange' event, it comes
    // with a 'propertyName' property.

    if (event.propertyName === 'onpropertychange') {
      // Don't execute right at the beginning on itself

        event.propertyName +
        '\'s value was changed/set to "' +
        store[event.propertyName] +

  store.onpropertychange = handler;

  store.test = true;
  store.test = false;
  store.literal = {};
  store.literal = {
    key: 'value2'


Internet Explorer , , IE 9.

« onresize , CSS».

Resize Observer Mutation Observer. , , observer.

element.onresize = function(e) {
    /* React to the element's size change */


Internet Explorer , :

var script = document.createElement('script');
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];

script.src = '...';

DOM. Internet Explorer : . .src, DOM. , , . , , Resource Hints.

Internet Explorer , defer.

- HTML5 document.currentScript, <script>. ? , , data-main:

<script src="scripts/require.js" data-main="js/main"></script>

- scripts/require.js :

var main = document.currentScript.getAttribute('data-main');

, Edge 12. , Internet Explorer , , , : .readyState.

function currentScript() {
  var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');

  for (; i < scripts.length; i++) {
    // If ready state is interactive, return the script tag
    if (scripts[i].readyState === 'interactive') {
      return scripts[i];

  return null;

.readyState Internet Explorer 11, , .currentScript, .readyState ( , ).


, , Microsoft -. , , . XML. , , SVG? ES6? BEM? JSX? , .

, Microsoft, , , , . . CSS, . , JavaScript, JavaScript, , HTML, Default Behavior. VML.

. , MDN, Smashing Magazine, Codepen, Hackernoon, Dev.to, . Webmonkey. , , Microsoft . -, . , , A List Apart IRC- : Slack, .

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Internet Explorer Windows. Internet Explorer Windows. , Windows, Windows XP Longhorn ( Windows Vista), . , . Internet Explorer , . Microsoft , . W3C , , WHATWG, . Microsoft , .

: . Unsplash

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/pt485892/

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