

为此,我拿起z-uno板,通过arduino IDE 1.6.5程序使用usb电缆将代码上传到其中(如何在Windows上为z-uno安装arduino,我在z-uno.z-wave.me/阅读安装 -说明为英文,但图片中的内容都清晰可见)。由于我不懂C语言,因此我从标准插座中获取了代码,它以模板(称为“ SimpleSwitch”)的形式存在于arduino程序中,并与针脚13,14,15相乘。以下是我上传到z-uno板上的代码。

 * That is a Simple Sensor Multilevel example
 * It measures the value on the potentiometer
 * And sends report to the controller if changed
// LED pin number
#define LED_PIN 13
#define LED_PINN 14
#define LED_PINNN 15

// Last saved LED value
byte currentLEDValue;
byte currentLEDValuee;
byte currentLEDValueee;

// next macro sets up the Z-Uno channels
// in this example we set up 1 switch binary channel
// you can read more on http://z-uno.z-wave.me/Reference/ZUNO_SWITCH_BINARY/
                    ZUNO_SWITCH_BINARY(getterr, setterr),
                    ZUNO_SWITCH_BINARY(getterrr, setterrr));

// next macro sets up the Z-Uno frequency

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // setup pin as output
  pinMode(LED_PINN, OUTPUT); // setup pin as output
  pinMode(LED_PINNN, OUTPUT); // setup pin as output

void loop() { 
  // loop is empty, because all the control comes over the Z-Wave

// function, which sets new relay state
// this function runs only once the controller sends new value
 void setter (byte value) {
  // value is a variable, holding a "new value"
  // which came from the controller or other Z-Wave device
  if (value > 0) {    // if greater then zero
    digitalWrite (LED_PIN, HIGH); //turn LED on
  } else {            // if equals zero
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);   //turn LED off
  // let's save our value for the situation, when the controller will ask us about it
  currentLEDValue = value;

void setterr (byte valuee) {
  // value is a variable, holding a "new value"
  // which came from the controller or other Z-Wave device
  if (valuee > 0) {    // if greater then zero
    digitalWrite (LED_PINN, HIGH); //turn LED on
  } else {            // if equals zero
    digitalWrite(LED_PINN, LOW);   //turn LED off
  // let's save our value for the situation, when the controller will ask us about it
  currentLEDValuee = valuee;

void setterrr (byte valueee) {
  // value is a variable, holding a "new value"
  // which came from the controller or other Z-Wave device
  if (valueee > 0) {    // if greater then zero
    digitalWrite (LED_PINNN, HIGH); //turn LED on
  } else {            // if equals zero
    digitalWrite(LED_PINNN, LOW);   //turn LED off
  // let's save our value for the situation, when the controller will ask us about it
  currentLEDValueee = valueee;

// function, which returns the previously saved relay value
// this function runs only once the controller asks
byte getter (){
  return currentLEDValue;
byte getterr (){
  return currentLEDValuee;
byte getterrr (){
  return currentLEDValueee;








Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/zh-CN395907/

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