
先前在C#的次要版本中引入的所有工具都旨在不大改变语言。 它们更像是语法增强功能,是对C#7.0的新功能的少量补充。


需要在开发的各个阶段(设计,实施和测试)进行更多工作的更严重的更改将仅与主要语言版本一起发布。 尽管C#7的最终次要版本尚未发布,但团队已经在积极开发该语言的下一个主要版本:C#8.0。

在本文中,我计划介绍可能在最终版本中发布的一些当前计划的功能。 所有这些都处于发展的初期,并且可能会发生变化。


该工具已经在C#7.0开发的早期阶段提供,但是一直推迟到下一个主要版本。 其目标是帮助开发人员避免未处理的NullReferenceException。


IWeapon? canBeNull;
IWeapon cantBeNull;

null , null -null , ( , , ):

canBeNull = null;       //  
cantBeNull = null;      // 
cantBeNull = canBeNull; // 

, nullable- null:

canBeNull.Repair();       // 
cantBeNull.Repair();      //  
if (canBeNull != null) {
    cantBeNull.Repair();  //  

, – , - ?

, : , null. , null- .

nullability , . , .

Visual Studio 2017 15.6 update.


, - C# , -.


public class Sword(int Damage, int Durability);


public class Sword : IEquatable<Sword>
    public int Damage { get; }
    public int Durability { get; }

    public Sword(int Damage, int Durability)
        this.Damage = Damage;
        this.Durability = Durability;

    public bool Equals(Sword other)
        return Equals(Damage, other.Damage) 
            && Equals(Durability, other.Durability);

    public override bool Equals(object other)
        return (other as Sword)?.Equals(this) == true;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return (Damage.GetHashCode() * 17 + Durability.GetHashCode());

    public void Deconstruct(out int Damage, out int Durability)
        Damage = this.Damage;
        Durability = this.Durability;

    public Sword With(int Damage = this.Damage, int Durability 
        = this.Durability) => new Sword(Damage, Durability);

, , . GetHashCode - Dictionary Hashtable. Deconstruct :

var (damage, durability) = sword;

, , , . , , . , , With, :

var strongerSword = sword.With(Damage: 8);

, :

var strongerSword = sword with { Damage = 8 };

Recursive Patterns

C# 7.0. 8.0 :

. Deconstruct():

if (sword is Sword(10, var durability)) {
    //  ,  Damage = 10
    // durability   sword.Durability

(tuple) :

switch (state, transition)
    case (State.Running, Transition.Suspend):
        state = State.Suspended;

switch , . , :

state = (state, transition) switch {
    (State.Running, Transition.Suspend) => State.Suspended,
    (State.Suspended, Transition.Resume) => State.Running,
    (State.Suspended, Transition.Terminate) => State.NotRunning,
    (State.NotRunning, Transition.Activate) => State.Running,
    _ => throw new InvalidOperationException()

Default Interface Methods

, C# , :

interface ISample
    void M1();                                    // 
    void M2() => Console.WriteLine("ISample.M2"); // 

, :

abstract class SampleBase
    public abstract void M1();
    public void M2() => Console.WriteLine("SampleBase.M2");

, C# 8 , . , .

. , . , . , . , .

C#, .

, . , – trait .

, , . C# 8.0 , :

  • , , , .
  • , , . , .

Asynchronous Streams

C# . C# 8.0, . IEnumerable IEnumerator:

public interface IAsyncEnumerable<out T>
    IAsyncEnumerator<T> GetAsyncEnumerator();

public interface IAsyncEnumerator<out T> : IAsyncDisposable
    Task<bool> MoveNextAsync();
    T Current { get; }

, IDisposable:

public interface IAsyncDisposable
    Task DisposeAsync();


var enumerator = enumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator();
    while (await enumerator.WaitForNextAsync())
        while (true)
    await enumerator.DisposeAsync();

– , while(true). - , . , , . , , .

, . , foreach. :

foreach await (var item in enumerable)

, foreach , .

, yield. , :

async IAsyncEnumerable<int> AsyncIterator()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            yield await GetValueAsync(i);
        await HandleErrorAsync();




var range = 1..5;

, :

struct Range : IEnumerable<int>
    public Range(int start, int end);
    public int Start { get; }
    public int End { get; }
    public StructRangeEnumerator GetEnumerator();
    // overloads for Equals, GetHashCode...


  • , :

Span<T> this[Range range]
        return ((Span<T>)this).Slice(start: range.Start, 
            length: range.End - range.Start);

  • IEnumerable, :

foreach (var index in min..max)

  • , :

switch (value)
    case 1..5:

step – , . – ( ). Python, .

, , .., . , .

, , , ..:

a[start:end] #   start  end-1
a[:end]      # items    end-1

, .

Generic Attributes

. , , :

public class TypedAttribute : Attribute
    public TypedAttribute(Type type)
        // ...

, :

public class TypedAttribute<T> : Attribute
    public TypedAttribute()
        // ...

, , :

public TypedAttribute(T value)
    // ...

Default Literal in Deconstruction

C# 7, :

(int x, int y) = (default, default);

default, :

(int x, int y) = default;

Caller Argument Expression

C# 5, CallerMemberName, CallerFilePath CallerLineNumber) .

CallerMemberName INotifyPropertyChanged:

class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    private int property;

    public int Property
        get { return property; }
            if (value != property)
                property = value;

C# 8 CallerArgumentExpression, , :

public Validate(int[] array, [CallerArgumentExpression("array")] string arrayExpression = null)
    if (array == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array), $"{arrayExpression} was null.");
    if (array.Length == 0)
        throw new ArgumentException($"{arrayExpression} was empty.", nameof(array));

, , .

Target-typed new Expression

, var ( ) :

Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //  var
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //  var

(), , :

class DictionaryWrapper
    private Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    // ...

C# 8, new, :

class DictionaryWrapper
    private Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new();
    // ...

, , . , .

Type/typedef, , ! , / .

Ordering of ref and partial Modifiers on Type Declarations

C# , partial struct class.

ref C# 7.2, partial , , ref struct, partial partial, .

, :

public ref struct NonPartialStruct { }
public ref partial struct PartialStruct { }

C# 8, , :

public partial ref struct PartialStruct { }

C# 8 . .
, C# 8.0, . , , . , , .

, , . .

C# 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 — New Features (Updated).

, C#. C# — - ? , :

  1. var . . . , .
  2. Go . . -. , , ( ) .
  3. C# . ( .Net Framework 1.1), ( «» LINQ – , SQL, ). , .
  4. - typedef, , , (var ). new(), ( ).

, , . GO C# . , . C# , – .

? . . C# – Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). CLI , , . Java/Kotlin. , ?

( Nullable Reference Types). , .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/zh-CN413065/

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