
G8甚至还没有发布RTM,我已经在写有关它的文章。 怎么了 好吧,主要的想法是,被警告的人是武装的。 因此,在本篇文章中,将介绍当前已知的内容,如果全部都是设置,那么正确。


, , «» . — , NULL nullptr ++. — zero-terminated strings, (n). null.

C# , :

public class Person
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }
  public string MiddleName { get; set; }
  public Person(string first, string last, string middle) =>
    (FirstName, LastName, MiddleName) = (first, last, middle);
  public string FullName =>
    $"{FirstName} {MiddleName[0]} {LastName}";

. , , . C# null. ($ string.Format()), . null-, NRE (NullReferenceException).

, .. null, 100500 . Optional , , .

- , . (NuGet JetBrains.Annotations) :

public class Person
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }
  [CanBeNull] public string MiddleName { get; set; }
  public Person(string first, string last, [CanBeNull] string middle) =>
    (FirstName, LastName, MiddleName) = (first, last, middle);
  public string FullName =>
    $"{FirstName} {MiddleName[0]} {LastName}";

NRE MiddleName[0].

Microsoft… , . , VS . . .

, . , . , C#8 :

#nullable enable

. , -

var p = new Person("Dmitri", "Nesteruk", null);


1>NullableReferenceTypes.cs(26,48,26,52): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference or unconstrained type parameter.

-, , ( treat warnings as errors ).

, ? - - C#, MiddleName null [0] .


public string? MiddleName;

, ? - string? Nullable<T>, , T : struct, - . — , .. string.

. - , :

public string FullName =>  $"{FirstName} {MiddleName?[0]} {LastName}";

: IL? — ! : nullable nullable [Nullable]. : .

C#8 - -. , nullable-

string? s = GetString();

warning. :

if (s != null){  char c = s[0];}

! , . .

null. — «», , null- .

— . :

  • (null as Person).FullName warning

  • (null as Person)!.FullName warning , ..

  • (null as Person)!!!!!!!!!!!!!.FullName

  • (null as Person)!?.FullName null; , ?!,

, - BCL .

Type t = Type.GetType("abracadabra");Console.WriteLine(t.Name);

. - Type.GetType() null , BCL nullable , .

, «»

Type t = Type.GetType("abracadabra");
Type? u = t;

. , t != null, u null, .

Nullable reference types — , . . , , - nullability , , .

: , , , . , X~N(0,1), E[X²] V[X²]?

, , « ».

, : Index Range.


, int uint? : ( ). , C# x[-1] .

. .. -1 , , .

C# . , . , Index , :

Index i0 = 2; // implicit conversion

, , .

Index ( — ):

  • Value,

  • IsFromEnd — , ,


Index i1 = new Index(0, false);

, , . ( , ) :

var i2 = ^0; // Index(0, true)

! , ^ ( , LaTeX, ), « ».

, , (operator this[]) Index,

var items = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
items[^2] = 33; // 1, 2, 33, 4, 5


Range, , , 1. :


« X Y». , YY. .

, :

  • var a = i1..i2; // Range(i1, i2)

  • var b = i1..; // Range(i1, new Index(0, true));i1

  • var c = ..i2; // Range(new Index(0, false), i2)i2

  • var e = ..; — ,

  • Range.ToEnd(2); — — , ; , dotPeek, ilSpy


, ++ (undefined behavior?). , Range C# . : « ».

x = {1, 2, 3}. x[0..2] {1, 2}, x[..2] x[..], {1, 2, 3}.

.. x[2] x[^1] — , Range- !

-, X..Y X <= Y ( ?). ( 7..3), ArgumentOutOfRangeException. .. , .

-, «» , 1..2..100 . . MATLAB.

Range :

  • , ,

  • Substring(). C# .

  • AsSpan() Range.

  • Span RangeSpan.Slice(), -.

, Index/Range operator this[]. , « » . , (singly linked list), - « » — .

, struct-. - , «» , .

, :

Default Interface Members

, . , — ?

. Enumerable.Count()while (x.MoveNext()) , . Count() :

if (x is IList<T> list)
  return list.Count;

? IReadOnlyList<T>, ? « »?!?

, , open-closed principle SOLID, .. — .

? , , , - Count(), IReadOnlyList<T>, , . ! - IReadOnlyList<T>.Count() IEnumerable<T>.Count()? , ! .

. , - -, .


public interface IHuman
  string Name { get; set; }
  public void SayHello() 
    Console.WriteLine($"Hello, I am {Name}");

public class Human : IHuman
  public string Name { get;set; }

, , :

Human human = new Human() { Name = "John" };
human.SayHello(); // will not compile

? , . — , , , .

, ? , , , . Human SayHello()? , .

: , :

IHuman human = new Human() { Name = "John" };
((IHuman)new Human { … }).SayHello();

, , : Foo() ( ), Foo(), :

public interface IHuman
  string Name { get; set; }
  void SayHello() 
    Console.WriteLine($"Hello, I am {Name}");
public interface IFriendlyHuman : IHuman
  void SayHello()
    Console.WriteLine(      $"Greeting, my name is {Name}");
((IHuman)new Human()).SayHello();
// Hello, I am John
((IFriendlyHuman)new Human()).SayHello();
// Greeting, my name is John

, IFriendlyHuman.SayHello() override- IHuman.SayHello(), ! SayHello() ? :

public interface IFriendlyHuman : IHuman
  void IHuman.SayHello()
  //   ↑↑↑↑↑↑
    Console.WriteLine(      $"Greeting, my name is {Name}");

SayHello() , IHuman IFriendlyHuman , :

((IHuman)new Human()).SayHello();
Greeting, my name is John
((IFriendlyHuman)new Human()).SayHello();
Greeting, my name is John

Diamond Inheritance

, « override-» - , :

interface ITalk { void Greet(); }
interface IAmBritish : ITalk
  void ITalk.Greet() => WriteLine("Good day!");
interface IAmAmerican : ITalk
  void ITalk.Greet() => WriteLine("Howdy!");
class DualNational : IAmBritish, IAmAmerican {}
// Error CS8705 Interface member 'ITalk.Greet()' does not have a most specific implementation. Neither 'IAmBritish.ITalk.Greet()', nor 'IAmAmerican.ITalk.Greet()' are most specific.

, « » ( , ) , , - - IAmAmerican.Greet() — , -, ?

. , , , API. — -. -?

Pattern Matching

F# . — F# , , # , .

, F# match # switch. C#8 .

Property Matching

, :

struct PhoneNumber{
  public int Code, Number;
var phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber();
var origin = phoneNumber switch {
  { Number: 112 } => "Emergency",
  { Code: 44 } => "UK"

phoneNumber, . switch statement switch expression, - .

, — , . : default-init ( , default(T) ) . , , :


, , :

var origin = phoneNumber switch {
  { Number: 112 } => "Emergency",
  { Code: 44 } => "UK",
  { } => "Indeterminate",
  _ => "Missing"

? , 2 : _ (), , {} null.

, . ?

var origin = phoneNumber switch {
  { Number: 112 } => "Emergency",
  { Code: 44 } => "UK",
  { } => "Unknown"

? phoneNumber struct — , class. - , null, … nullable reference types!

, .

- , . nullable reference types — , nullable , recursive patterns — .

F#, , . C# , , , C# — .

, « » C# -, :

var personsOrigin = person switch {
  { Name: "Dmitri" } => "Russia",
  { PhoneNumber: { Code: 46 } } => "Sweden",
  { Name: var name } => $"No idea where {name} lives"

. — , person.PhoneNumber Code 46. — . , «».

: switch-. :

var error = person switch {
  null => "Object missing",
  { PhoneNumber: null } => "Phone number missing entirely",
  { PhoneNumber: { Number: 0 } } => "Actual number missing",
  { PhoneNumber: { Code: var code } } when code < 0 => "WTF?",
  { } => null // no error
if (error != null)
  throw new ArgumentException(error);

, : , when , .

- «» . , :

IEnumerable<int> GetMainOfficeNumbers()
  foreach (var pn in numbers)
    if (pn is ExtendedPhoneNumber { Office: "main" })
      yield return pn.Number;

, , . .

— , , . Deconstruct() out-.

, - :

var type = shape switch
  Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0) => "Point at origin",
  Circle((0, 0), _) => "Circle at origin",
  Rectangle(_, var w, var h) when w == h => "Square",
  Rectangle((var x, var y), var w, var h) =>
    $"A {w}×{h} rectangle at ({x},{y})",
  _ => "something else"

, : -, , . «» — , . (_) , .

, . .

, ? , , -. . . , VS 2019 Preview (-, preview RTM), .NET Core 3 ( .NET Framework), dotPeek , .

. () . ■

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/zh-CN454446/

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