
本文将讨论PostgreSQL 12版中内置或声明性分区提供的功能。 该演示是为在HighLoad ++ Siberia 2019会议上的同名演讲准备的(更新:演讲中出现了一个视频 )。


=> SELECT version(); 
  version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PostgreSQL 12beta1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) 5.4.0 20160609, 32-bit (1 row) 

这些示例使用了演示数据库的预订和票务表。 预订表包含从2017年6月到2017年8月三个月的条目,并具有以下结构:

 => \d bookings 
 Table "bookings.bookings" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- book_ref | character(6) | | not null | book_date | timestamp with time zone | | not null | total_amount | numeric(10,2) | | not null | Indexes: "bookings_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (book_ref) Referenced by: TABLE "tickets" CONSTRAINT "tickets_book_ref_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (book_ref) REFERENCES bookings(book_ref) 

预订可能包括几张票。 带有票证的表的结构:

 => \d tickets 
  Table "bookings.tickets" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------- ticket_no | character(13) | | not null | book_ref | character(6) | | not null | passenger_id | character varying(20) | | not null | passenger_name | text | | not null | contact_data | jsonb | | | Indexes: "tickets_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ticket_no) Foreign-key constraints: "tickets_book_ref_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (book_ref) REFERENCES bookings(book_ref) Referenced by: TABLE "ticket_flights" CONSTRAINT "ticket_flights_ticket_no_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (ticket_no) REFERENCES tickets(ticket_no) 




首先,尝试使预订表按日期范围划分。 在这种情况下,将按以下方式创建表:

 => CREATE TABLE bookings_range ( book_ref character(6), book_date timestamptz, total_amount numeric(10,2) ) PARTITION BY RANGE(book_date); 


 => CREATE TABLE bookings_range_201706 PARTITION OF bookings_range FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-06-01'::timestamptz) TO ('2017-07-01'::timestamptz); => CREATE TABLE bookings_range_201707 PARTITION OF bookings_range FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-07-01'::timestamptz) TO ('2017-08-01'::timestamptz); 

为了指示部分的边界,不仅可以使用常量,还可以使用表达式,例如函数调用。 表达式的值是在创建节并将其存储在系统目录中时计算的:

 => CREATE TABLE bookings_range_201708 PARTITION OF bookings_range FOR VALUES FROM (to_timestamp('01.08.2017','DD.MM.YYYY')) TO (to_timestamp('01.09.2017','DD.MM.YYYY')); 


 => \d+ bookings_range 
 Partitioned table "bookings.bookings_range" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- book_ref | character(6) | | | | extended | | book_date | timestamp with time zone | | | | plain | | total_amount | numeric(10,2) | | | | main | | Partition key: RANGE (book_date) Partitions: bookings_range_201706 FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-06-01 00:00:00+03') TO ('2017-07-01 00:00:00+03'), bookings_range_201707 FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-07-01 00:00:00+03') TO ('2017-08-01 00:00:00+03'), bookings_range_201708 FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-08-01 00:00:00+03') TO ('2017-09-01 00:00:00+03') 

够了 无需触发器即可插入记录;不需要CHECK约束。 也不需要CONSTRAINT_EXCLUSION参数,您甚至可以将其关闭:

 => SET constraint_exclusion = OFF; 


 => INSERT INTO bookings_range SELECT * FROM bookings; 
 INSERT 0 262788 


 => SELECT tableoid::regclass, count(*) FROM bookings_range GROUP BY tableoid; 
  tableoid | count -----------------------+-------- bookings_range_201706 | 7303 bookings_range_201707 | 167062 bookings_range_201708 | 88423 (3 rows) 


 => SELECT * FROM ONLY bookings_range; 
  book_ref | book_date | total_amount ----------+-----------+-------------- (0 rows) 


 => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM bookings_range WHERE book_date = '2017-07-01'::timestamptz; 
  QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on bookings_range_201707 Filter: (book_date = '2017-07-01 00:00:00+03'::timestamp with time zone) (2 rows) 



 => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM bookings_range WHERE book_date = to_timestamp('01.07.2017','DD.MM.YYYY'); 
  QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Append Subplans Removed: 2 -> Seq Scan on bookings_range_201707 Filter: (book_date = to_timestamp('01.07.2017'::text, 'DD.MM.YYYY'::text)) (4 rows) 


但这仅适用于SELECT。 更改数据时,尚未实现基于STABLE函数的值的节排除:

 => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) DELETE FROM bookings_range WHERE book_date = to_timestamp('01.07.2017','DD.MM.YYYY'); 
  QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Delete on bookings_range Delete on bookings_range_201706 Delete on bookings_range_201707 Delete on bookings_range_201708 -> Seq Scan on bookings_range_201706 Filter: (book_date = to_timestamp('01.07.2017'::text, 'DD.MM.YYYY'::text)) -> Seq Scan on bookings_range_201707 Filter: (book_date = to_timestamp('01.07.2017'::text, 'DD.MM.YYYY'::text)) -> Seq Scan on bookings_range_201708 Filter: (book_date = to_timestamp('01.07.2017'::text, 'DD.MM.YYYY'::text)) (10 rows) 


 => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) DELETE FROM bookings_range WHERE book_date = '2017-07-01'::timestamptz; 
  QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete on bookings_range Delete on bookings_range_201707 -> Seq Scan on bookings_range_201707 Filter: (book_date = '2017-07-01 00:00:00+03'::timestamp with time zone) (4 rows) 


要执行以下查询,需要对从不同部分获得的结果进行排序。 因此,在查询计划中,我们看到SORT节点和该计划的高初始成本:

 => EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM bookings_range ORDER BY book_date; 
  QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sort (cost=24649.77..25077.15 rows=170952 width=52) Sort Key: bookings_range_201706.book_date -> Append (cost=0.00..4240.28 rows=170952 width=52) -> Seq Scan on bookings_range_201706 (cost=0.00..94.94 rows=4794 width=52) -> Seq Scan on bookings_range_201707 (cost=0.00..2151.30 rows=108630 width=52) -> Seq Scan on bookings_range_201708 (cost=0.00..1139.28 rows=57528 width=52) (6 rows) 

在book_date上创建索引。 在每个部分中创建索引,而不是单个全局索引:

 => CREATE INDEX book_date_idx ON bookings_range(book_date); 

 => \di bookings_range* 
  List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table ----------+-------------------------------------+-------+---------+----------------------- bookings | bookings_range_201706_book_date_idx | index | student | bookings_range_201706 bookings | bookings_range_201707_book_date_idx | index | student | bookings_range_201707 bookings | bookings_range_201708_book_date_idx | index | student | bookings_range_201708 (3 rows) 

现在,以前的排序查询可以使用分区键上的索引,并以排序形式立即从不同部分返回结果。 不需要SORT节点,并且需要最低成本才能生成结果的第一行:

 => EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM bookings_range ORDER BY book_date; 
  QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Append (cost=1.12..14880.88 rows=262788 width=52) -> Index Scan using bookings_range_201706_book_date_idx on bookings_range_201706 (cost=0.28..385.83 rows=7303 width=52) -> Index Scan using bookings_range_201707_book_date_idx on bookings_range_201707 (cost=0.42..8614.35 rows=167062 width=52) -> Index Scan using bookings_range_201708_book_date_idx on bookings_range_201708 (cost=0.42..4566.76 rows=88423 width=52) (4 rows) 

集中支持以这种方式创建的分区索引。 添加新部分时,将自动在其上创建索引。 而且您不能删除仅一个部分的索引:

 => DROP INDEX bookings_range_201706_book_date_idx; 
 ERROR: cannot drop index bookings_range_201706_book_date_idx because index book_date_idx requires it HINT: You can drop index book_date_idx instead. 


 => DROP INDEX book_date_idx; 



但是您可以执行以下操作。 首先,我们仅在主表上创建索引,它将收到无效状态:

 => CREATE INDEX book_date_idx ON ONLY bookings_range(book_date); 

 => SELECT indisvalid FROM pg_index WHERE indexrelid::regclass::text = 'book_date_idx'; 
  indisvalid ------------ f (1 row) 


 => CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY book_date_201706_idx ON bookings_range_201706 (book_date); => CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY book_date_201707_idx ON bookings_range_201707 (book_date); => CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY book_date_201708_idx ON bookings_range_201708 (book_date); 


 => ALTER INDEX book_date_idx ATTACH PARTITION book_date_201706_idx; => ALTER INDEX book_date_idx ATTACH PARTITION book_date_201707_idx; => ALTER INDEX book_date_idx ATTACH PARTITION book_date_201708_idx; 

这类似于连接分区表,稍后我们将进行介绍。 一旦连接了所有索引段,主索引将更改其状态:

 => SELECT indisvalid FROM pg_index WHERE indexrelid::regclass::text = 'book_date_idx'; 
  indisvalid ------------ t (1 row) 


没有提供节的自动创建。 因此,必须先创建它们,然后再将具有分区键新值的记录添加到表中。


 => BEGIN; => SELECT count(*) FROM bookings_range WHERE book_date = to_timestamp('01.07.2017','DD.MM.YYYY'); 
  count ------- 5 (1 row) 
 => SELECT relation::regclass::text, mode FROM pg_locks WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid() AND relation::regclass::text LIKE 'bookings%'; 
  relation | mode -----------------------+----------------- bookings_range_201708 | AccessShareLock bookings_range_201707 | AccessShareLock bookings_range_201706 | AccessShareLock bookings_range | AccessShareLock (4 rows) 

AccessShareLock锁强加于主表,语句开头的所有节和索引。 to_timestamp函数的计算和节的排除在以后进行。 如果使用常量而不是函数,则只会锁定主表和bookings_range_201707部分。 因此,如果可能,请在请求中指定常量-应该这样做,否则pg_locks中的行数将与段数成比例地增加,这可能导致需要增加max_locks_per_transaction。


  || => CREATE TABLE bookings_range_201709 (LIKE bookings_range); || => BEGIN; || => ALTER TABLE bookings_range ATTACH PARTITION bookings_range_201709 FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-09-01'::timestamptz) TO ('2017-10-01'::timestamptz); || => SELECT relation::regclass::text, mode FROM pg_locks WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid() AND relation::regclass::text LIKE 'bookings%'; 
  relation | mode -------------------------------------+-------------------------- bookings_range_201709_book_date_idx | AccessExclusiveLock bookings_range | ShareUpdateExclusiveLock bookings_range_201709 | ShareLock bookings_range_201709 | AccessExclusiveLock (4 rows) 

创建新节时,与AccessShareLock兼容的ShareUpdateExclusiveLock锁被强加到主表上。 因此,添加分区的操作不会与针对分区表的查询冲突。

 => COMMIT; 

  || => COMMIT; 

使用ALTER TABLE ... DETACH PARTITION命令完成分区。 该节本身不会被删除,而是成为一个独立的表。 可以从中下载数据,可以将其删除,并在必要时重新连接(ATTACH PARTITION)。

另一个禁用的选项是使用DROP TABLE命令删除该部分。

不幸的是,DROP TABLE和DETACH PARTITION这两个选项都在主表上使用AccessExclusiveLock锁。


如果您尝试添加尚未为其创建节的记录,则会发生错误。 如果不需要此行为,则可以创建一个默认部分:

 => CREATE TABLE bookings_range_default PARTITION OF bookings_range DEFAULT; 


 => INSERT INTO bookings_range VALUES('XX0000', '0017-09-01'::timestamptz, 0) RETURNING tableoid::regclass, *; 
  tableoid | book_ref | book_date | total_amount ------------------------+----------+------------------------------+-------------- bookings_range_default | XX0000 | 0017-09-01 00:00:00+02:30:17 | 0.00 (1 row) INSERT 0 1 



 => UPDATE bookings_range SET book_date = '2017-09-01'::timestamptz WHERE book_ref = 'XX0000' RETURNING tableoid::regclass, *; 
  tableoid | book_ref | book_date | total_amount -----------------------+----------+------------------------+-------------- bookings_range_201709 | XX0000 | 2017-09-01 00:00:00+03 | 0.00 (1 row) UPDATE 1 


在演示数据库中,book_ref列必须是bookings表的主键。 但是,所选的分区方案不允许创建这样的密钥:

 => ALTER TABLE bookings_range ADD PRIMARY KEY(book_ref); 
 ERROR: insufficient columns in PRIMARY KEY constraint definition DETAIL: PRIMARY KEY constraint on table "bookings_range" lacks column "book_date" which is part of the partition key. 


要按月细分,并且仍将book_ref包含在主键中,让我们尝试另一种方案来对预订表进行分区-根据值列表。 为此,将多余的列book_month添加为分区键:

 => CREATE TABLE bookings_list ( book_ref character(6), book_month character(6), book_date timestamptz NOT NULL, total_amount numeric(10,2), PRIMARY KEY (book_ref, book_month) ) PARTITION BY LIST(book_month); 


 => WITH dates AS ( SELECT date_trunc('month',min(book_date)) min_date, date_trunc('month',max(book_date)) max_date FROM bookings ), partition AS ( SELECT to_char(g.month, 'YYYYMM') AS book_month FROM dates, generate_series(dates.min_date, dates.max_date, '1 month'::interval) AS g(month) ) SELECT format('CREATE TABLE %I PARTITION OF bookings_list FOR VALUES IN (%L)', 'bookings_list_' || partition.book_month, partition.book_month) FROM partition\gexec 


 => \d+ bookings_list 
  Partitioned table "bookings.bookings_list" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- book_ref | character(6) | | not null | | extended | | book_month | character(6) | | not null | | extended | | book_date | timestamp with time zone | | not null | | plain | | total_amount | numeric(10,2) | | | | main | | Partition key: LIST (book_month) Indexes: "bookings_list_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (book_ref, book_month) Partitions: bookings_list_201706 FOR VALUES IN ('201706'), bookings_list_201707 FOR VALUES IN ('201707'), bookings_list_201708 FOR VALUES IN ('201708') 


 => INSERT INTO bookings_list(book_ref,book_month,book_date,total_amount) SELECT book_ref,to_char(book_date, 'YYYYMM'),book_date,total_amount FROM bookings; 
 INSERT 0 262788 

作为撤退。 要自动填充book_month,很容易使用版本12的新功能-GENERATED ALWAYS列。 但是,不幸的是,它们不能用作分区键。 因此,应以其他方式解决填充月份的任务。

可以在分区表上创建完整性约束,例如CHECK和NOT NULL。 与继承一样,指定INHERIT / NOINHERIT表示是否应在所有分区表上继承限制。 默认继承:

 => ALTER TABLE bookings_range ALTER COLUMN book_date SET NOT NULL; 

 => \d bookings_range 
  Partitioned table "bookings.bookings_range" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- book_ref | character(6) | | | book_date | timestamp with time zone | | not null | total_amount | numeric(10,2) | | | Partition key: RANGE (book_date) Indexes: "book_date_idx" btree (book_date) Number of partitions: 5 (Use \d+ to list them.) 

 => \d bookings_range_201706 
  Table "bookings.bookings_range_201706" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- book_ref | character(6) | | | book_date | timestamp with time zone | | not null | total_amount | numeric(10,2) | | | Partition of: bookings_range FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-06-01 00:00:00+03') TO ('2017-07-01 00:00:00+03') Indexes: "book_date_201706_idx" btree (book_date) 



 => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM bookings_list WHERE book_ref = '00000F'; 
  QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Append -> Index Scan using bookings_list_201706_pkey on bookings_list_201706 Index Cond: (book_ref = '00000F'::bpchar) -> Index Scan using bookings_list_201707_pkey on bookings_list_201707 Index Cond: (book_ref = '00000F'::bpchar) -> Index Scan using bookings_list_201708_pkey on bookings_list_201708 Index Cond: (book_ref = '00000F'::bpchar) (7 rows) 


 => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM bookings_list WHERE book_ref = '00000F' AND book_month = '201707'; 
  QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using bookings_list_201707_pkey on bookings_list_201707 Index Cond: ((book_ref = '00000F'::bpchar) AND (book_month = '201707'::bpchar)) (2 rows) 

INSERT ... ON CONFLICT命令正确找到所需的部分并执行更新:

 => INSERT INTO bookings_list VALUES ('XX0001','201708','2017-08-01',0) RETURNING tableoid::regclass, *; 
  tableoid | book_ref | book_month | book_date | total_amount ----------------------+----------+------------+------------------------+-------------- bookings_list_201708 | XX0001 | 201708 | 2017-08-01 00:00:00+03 | 0.00 (1 row) INSERT 0 1 

 => INSERT INTO bookings_list VALUES ('XX0001','201708','2017-08-01',100) ON CONFLICT(book_ref,book_month) DO UPDATE SET total_amount = 100 RETURNING tableoid::regclass, *; 
  tableoid | book_ref | book_month | book_date | total_amount ----------------------+----------+------------+------------------------+-------------- bookings_list_201708 | XX0001 | 201708 | 2017-08-01 00:00:00+03 | 100.00 (1 row) INSERT 0 1 




 => CREATE TABLE tickets_list ( ticket_no character(13), book_month character(6), book_ref character(6) NOT NULL, passenger_id varchar(20) NOT NULL, passenger_name text NOT NULL, contact_data jsonb, PRIMARY KEY (ticket_no, book_month), FOREIGN KEY (book_ref, book_month) REFERENCES bookings_list (book_ref, book_month) ) PARTITION BY LIST (book_month); 

值得一看的外键限制。 一方面,这是分区表(tickets_list)中的外键另一方面,这是分区表(bookings_list)中的键。 因此,双向支持分区表的外键。


 => WITH dates AS ( SELECT date_trunc('month',min(book_date)) min_date, date_trunc('month',max(book_date)) max_date FROM bookings ), partition AS ( SELECT to_char(g.month, 'YYYYMM') AS book_month FROM dates, generate_series(dates.min_date, dates.max_date, '1 month'::interval) AS g(month) ) SELECT format('CREATE TABLE %I PARTITION OF tickets_list FOR VALUES IN (%L)', 'tickets_list_' || partition.book_month, partition.book_month) FROM partition\gexec 

 => \d+ tickets_list 
  Partitioned table "bookings.tickets_list" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description ----------------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+--------------+------------- ticket_no | character(13) | | not null | | extended | | book_month | character(6) | | not null | | extended | | book_ref | character(6) | | not null | | extended | | passenger_id | character varying(20) | | not null | | extended | | passenger_name | text | | not null | | extended | | contact_data | jsonb | | | | extended | | Partition key: LIST (book_month) Indexes: "tickets_list_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ticket_no, book_month) Foreign-key constraints: "tickets_list_book_ref_book_month_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (book_ref, book_month) REFERENCES bookings_list(book_ref, book_month) Partitions: tickets_list_201706 FOR VALUES IN ('201706'), tickets_list_201707 FOR VALUES IN ('201707'), tickets_list_201708 FOR VALUES IN ('201708') 


 => INSERT INTO tickets_list (ticket_no,book_month,book_ref,passenger_id,passenger_name,contact_data) SELECT t.ticket_no,b.book_month,t.book_ref, t.passenger_id,t.passenger_name,t.contact_data FROM bookings_list b JOIN tickets t ON (b.book_ref = t.book_ref); 
 INSERT 0 366733 

 => VACUUM ANALYZE tickets_list; 


 => SELECT tableoid::regclass, count(*) FROM tickets_list GROUP BY tableoid; 
  tableoid | count ---------------------+-------- tickets_list_201706 | 10160 tickets_list_201707 | 232755 tickets_list_201708 | 123818 (3 rows) 



 => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT b.* FROM bookings_list b JOIN tickets_list t ON (b.book_ref = t.book_ref and b.book_month = t.book_month); 
  QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash Join Hash Cond: ((t.book_ref = b.book_ref) AND (t.book_month = b.book_month)) -> Append -> Seq Scan on tickets_list_201706 t -> Seq Scan on tickets_list_201707 t_1 -> Seq Scan on tickets_list_201708 t_2 -> Hash -> Append -> Seq Scan on bookings_list_201706 b -> Seq Scan on bookings_list_201707 b_1 -> Seq Scan on bookings_list_201708 b_2 (11 rows) 


但是您可以先合并两个表的相应月度部分,然后合并结果。 这可以通过启用enable_partitionwise_join参数来实现:

 => SET enable_partitionwise_join = ON; => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT b.* FROM bookings_list b JOIN tickets_list t ON (b.book_ref = t.book_ref and b.book_month = t.book_month); 
  QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Append -> Hash Join Hash Cond: ((t.book_ref = b.book_ref) AND (t.book_month = b.book_month)) -> Seq Scan on tickets_list_201706 t -> Hash -> Seq Scan on bookings_list_201706 b -> Hash Join Hash Cond: ((t_1.book_ref = b_1.book_ref) AND (t_1.book_month = b_1.book_month)) -> Seq Scan on tickets_list_201707 t_1 -> Hash -> Seq Scan on bookings_list_201707 b_1 -> Hash Join Hash Cond: ((t_2.book_ref = b_2.book_ref) AND (t_2.book_month = b_2.book_month)) -> Seq Scan on tickets_list_201708 t_2 -> Hash -> Seq Scan on bookings_list_201708 b_2 (16 rows) 



 => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT count(*) FROM bookings_list; 
  QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalize Aggregate -> Gather Workers Planned: 2 -> Partial Aggregate -> Parallel Append -> Parallel Seq Scan on bookings_list_201707 -> Parallel Seq Scan on bookings_list_201708 -> Parallel Seq Scan on bookings_list_201706 (8 rows) 

请注意,部分扫描可以并行执行。 但是首先将各个部分放在一起,然后才开始聚合。 另外,您可以在每个部分中进行汇总,然后合并结果:

 => SET enable_partitionwise_aggregate = ON; => EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT count(*) FROM bookings_list; 
  QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalize Aggregate -> Gather Workers Planned: 2 -> Parallel Append -> Partial Aggregate -> Parallel Seq Scan on bookings_list_201707 -> Partial Aggregate -> Parallel Seq Scan on bookings_list_201708 -> Partial Aggregate -> Parallel Seq Scan on bookings_list_201706 (10 rows) 

如果部分的一部分是外部表,则这些功能特别重要。 默认情况下,两者都被禁用,因为 适当的参数会影响计划的时间,但不一定总是使用。




 => CREATE TABLE bookings_hash ( book_ref character(6) PRIMARY KEY, book_date timestamptz NOT NULL, total_amount numeric(10,2) ) PARTITION BY HASH(book_ref); 



 => CREATE TABLE bookings_hash_p0 PARTITION OF bookings_hash FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 3, REMAINDER 0); => CREATE TABLE bookings_hash_p1 PARTITION OF bookings_hash FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 3, REMAINDER 1); => CREATE TABLE bookings_hash_p2 PARTITION OF bookings_hash FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 3, REMAINDER 2); 


 => INSERT INTO bookings_hash SELECT * FROM bookings; 
 INSERT 0 262788 


 => SELECT tableoid::regclass AS partition, count(*) FROM bookings_hash GROUP BY tableoid; 
  partition | count ------------------+------- bookings_hash_p0 | 87649 bookings_hash_p1 | 87651 bookings_hash_p2 | 87488 (3 rows) 


 => \dP+ 
  List of partitioned relations Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Table | Total size | Description ----------+--------------------+---------+-------------------+----------------+------------+------------- bookings | bookings_hash | student | partitioned table | | 13 MB | bookings | bookings_list | student | partitioned table | | 15 MB | bookings | bookings_range | student | partitioned table | | 13 MB | bookings | tickets_list | student | partitioned table | | 50 MB | bookings | book_date_idx | student | partitioned index | bookings_range | 5872 kB | bookings | bookings_hash_pkey | student | partitioned index | bookings_hash | 5800 kB | bookings | bookings_list_pkey | student | partitioned index | bookings_list | 8120 kB | bookings | tickets_list_pkey | student | partitioned index | tickets_list | 19 MB | (8 rows) 

 => VACUUM ANALYZE bookings_hash; 




 => WITH top10 AS ( SELECT tableoid::regclass AS partition, * FROM bookings_hash ORDER BY book_ref LIMIT 10 ) SELECT partition, count(*) FROM top10 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1; 
  partition | count ------------------+------- bookings_hash_p0 | 3 bookings_hash_p1 | 3 bookings_hash_p2 | 4 (3 rows) 


 => EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,COSTS OFF,TIMING OFF) WITH top10 AS ( SELECT tableoid::regclass AS partition, * FROM bookings ORDER BY book_ref LIMIT 10 ) SELECT bh.* FROM bookings_hash bh JOIN top10 ON bh.book_ref = top10.book_ref; 
  QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop (actual rows=10 loops=1) -> Limit (actual rows=10 loops=1) -> Index Only Scan using bookings_pkey on bookings (actual rows=10 loops=1) Heap Fetches: 0 -> Append (actual rows=1 loops=10) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p0_pkey on bookings_hash_p0 bh (actual rows=1 loops=3) Index Cond: (book_ref = bookings.book_ref) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p1_pkey on bookings_hash_p1 bh_1 (actual rows=1 loops=3) Index Cond: (book_ref = bookings.book_ref) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p2_pkey on bookings_hash_p2 bh_2 (actual rows=1 loops=4) Index Cond: (book_ref = bookings.book_ref) Planning Time: 0.632 ms Execution Time: 0.278 ms (13 rows) 



 => SET enable_partition_pruning TO OFF; => EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,COSTS OFF,TIMING OFF) WITH top10 AS ( SELECT tableoid::regclass AS partition, * FROM bookings ORDER BY book_ref LIMIT 10 ) SELECT bh.* FROM bookings_hash bh JOIN top10 ON bh.book_ref = top10.book_ref; 
  QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nested Loop (actual rows=10 loops=1) -> Limit (actual rows=10 loops=1) -> Index Only Scan using bookings_pkey on bookings (actual rows=10 loops=1) Heap Fetches: 0 -> Append (actual rows=1 loops=10) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p0_pkey on bookings_hash_p0 bh (actual rows=0 loops=10) Index Cond: (book_ref = bookings.book_ref) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p1_pkey on bookings_hash_p1 bh_1 (actual rows=0 loops=10) Index Cond: (book_ref = bookings.book_ref) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p2_pkey on bookings_hash_p2 bh_2 (actual rows=0 loops=10) Index Cond: (book_ref = bookings.book_ref) Planning Time: 0.886 ms Execution Time: 0.771 ms (13 rows) 

 => RESET enable_partition_pruning; 


 => EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,COSTS OFF,TIMING OFF) WITH top AS ( SELECT tableoid::regclass AS partition, * FROM bookings ORDER BY book_ref LIMIT 1 ) SELECT bh.* FROM bookings_hash bh JOIN top ON bh.book_ref = top.book_ref; 
  QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop (actual rows=1 loops=1) -> Limit (actual rows=1 loops=1) -> Index Only Scan using bookings_pkey on bookings (actual rows=1 loops=1) Heap Fetches: 0 -> Append (actual rows=1 loops=1) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p0_pkey on bookings_hash_p0 bh (actual rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (book_ref = bookings.book_ref) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p1_pkey on bookings_hash_p1 bh_1 (never executed) Index Cond: (book_ref = bookings.book_ref) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p2_pkey on bookings_hash_p2 bh_2 (never executed) Index Cond: (book_ref = bookings.book_ref) Planning Time: 0.250 ms Execution Time: 0.090 ms (13 rows) 



 => EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,COSTS OFF,TIMING OFF) SELECT * FROM bookings_hash bh JOIN get_book_ref(10) f ON bh.book_ref = f.book_ref; 
  QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop (actual rows=10 loops=1) -> Function Scan on get_book_ref f (actual rows=10 loops=1) -> Append (actual rows=1 loops=10) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p0_pkey on bookings_hash_p0 bh (actual rows=1 loops=3) Index Cond: (book_ref = f.book_ref) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p1_pkey on bookings_hash_p1 bh_1 (actual rows=1 loops=3) Index Cond: (book_ref = f.book_ref) -> Index Scan using bookings_hash_p2_pkey on bookings_hash_p2 bh_2 (actual rows=1 loops=4) Index Cond: (book_ref = f.book_ref) Planning Time: 0.175 ms Execution Time: 0.843 ms (11 rows) 


综上所述,我们可以说PostgreSQL 12中的内置或声明性分区具有丰富的功能,可以安全地建议通过继承替换分区。

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/zh-CN456716/

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