kubectl exec如何工作?

注意事项 佩雷夫 :本文的作者,SAP的工程师Erkan Erol分享了他对kubectl exec命令的功能机制的研究,这对于使用Kubernetes的每个人都非常熟悉。 他将整个算法与Kubernetes源代码清单(以及相关项目)一起提供,使您能够按需深入理解该主题。

一个星期五,一位同事走到我面前,询问如何使用client-go在pod中执行命令。 我无法回答他,突然意识到我对kubectl exec的工作机制kubectl exec 。 是的,我对它的设备有一定的想法,但是我不能百分百确定它们的正确性,因此决定解决此问题。 在学习了博客,文档和源代码之后,我学到了很多新东西,在本文中,我想分享我的发现和理解。 如果有问题,请通过Twitter与我联系。


为了在MacBook上创建集群,我克隆了ecomm-integration-ballerina / kubernetes-cluster 。 然后,他纠正了kubelet配置中节点的IP地址,因为默认设置不允许kubectl exec 。 您可以在此处了解有关此原因的更多信息。

  • 任何汽车=我的MacBook
  • 主IP =
  • 工作主机IP =
  • API服务器端口= 6443


  • kubectl exec进程 :当我们执行“ kubectl exec ...”时,该进程开始。 您可以在有权访问K8s API服务器的任何计算机上执行此操作。 注意事项 trans。:在控制台列表中,作者进一步使用了注释“任何机器”,这意味着后续命令可以在任何具有Kubernetes访问权限的机器上执行。
  • api服务器 :主服务器上的组件,提供对Kubernetes API的访问。 这是Kubernetes中控制平面的前端。
  • kubelet :在集群中每个节点上运行的代理。 它在pod'e中提供容器。
  • 容器运行时container runtime ):负责容器操作的软件。 示例:Docker,CRI-O,容器化...
  • kernel :工作节点上的OS内核; 负责流程管理。
  • 目标 容器 :作为容器一部分并在其中一个工作节点上运行的容器。




 // any machine $ kubectl run exec-test-nginx --image=nginx 


 // any machine $ kubectl exec -it exec-test-nginx-6558988d5-fgxgg -- sh # sleep 5000 

出现kubectl进程(在本例中为pid = 8507):

 // any machine $ ps -ef |grep kubectl 501 8507 8409 0 7:19PM ttys000 0:00.13 kubectl exec -it exec-test-nginx-6558988d5-fgxgg -- sh 


 // any machine $ netstat -atnv |grep 8507 tcp4 0 0 ESTABLISHED 131072 131768 8507 0 0x0102 0x00000020 tcp4 0 0 ESTABLISHED 131072 131768 8507 0 0x0102 0x00000028 

让我们看一下代码。 Kubectl使用exec子资源创建POST请求并发送REST请求:

  req := restClient.Post(). Resource("pods"). Name(pod.Name). Namespace(pod.Namespace). SubResource("exec") req.VersionedParams(&corev1.PodExecOptions{ Container: containerName, Command: p.Command, Stdin: p.Stdin, Stdout: p.Out != nil, Stderr: p.ErrOut != nil, TTY: t.Raw, }, scheme.ParameterCodec) return p.Executor.Execute("POST", req.URL(), p.Config, p.In, p.Out, p.ErrOut, t.Raw, sizeQueue) 

kubectl / pkg / cmd / exec / exec.go



 handler.go:143] kube-apiserver: POST "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/exec-test-nginx-6558988d5-fgxgg/exec" satisfied by gorestful with webservice /api/v1 upgradeaware.go:261] Connecting to backend proxy (intercepting redirects) Headers: map[Connection:[Upgrade] Content-Length:[0] Upgrade:[SPDY/3.1] User-Agent:[kubectl/v1.12.10 (darwin/amd64) kubernetes/e3c1340] X-Forwarded-For:[] X-Stream-Protocol-Version:[v4.channel.k8s.io v3.channel.k8s.io v2.channel.k8s.io channel.k8s.io]] 

注意,HTTP请求包括协议更改请求。 SPDY允许您通过单个TCP连接多路复用各个stdin / stdout / stderr / spdy-error流。


 // PodExecOptions is the query options to a Pod's remote exec call type PodExecOptions struct { metav1.TypeMeta // Stdin if true indicates that stdin is to be redirected for the exec call Stdin bool // Stdout if true indicates that stdout is to be redirected for the exec call Stdout bool // Stderr if true indicates that stderr is to be redirected for the exec call Stderr bool // TTY if true indicates that a tty will be allocated for the exec call TTY bool // Container in which to execute the command. Container string // Command is the remote command to execute; argv array; not executed within a shell. Command []string } 

pkg / apis / core / types.go


 // ExecLocation returns the exec URL for a pod container. If opts.Container is blank // and only one container is present in the pod, that container is used. func ExecLocation( getter ResourceGetter, connInfo client.ConnectionInfoGetter, ctx context.Context, name string, opts *api.PodExecOptions, ) (*url.URL, http.RoundTripper, error) { return streamLocation(getter, connInfo, ctx, name, opts, opts.Container, "exec") } 

pkg /注册表/核心/ pod / strategy.go


  nodeName := types.NodeName(pod.Spec.NodeName) if len(nodeName) == 0 { // If pod has not been assigned a host, return an empty location return nil, nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("pod %s does not have a host assigned", name)) } nodeInfo, err := connInfo.GetConnectionInfo(ctx, nodeName) 

pkg /注册表/核心/ pod / strategy.go

万岁! Kubelet现在具有一个端口( node.Status.DaemonEndpoints.KubeletEndpoint.Port ),API服务器可以连接到该端口:

 // GetConnectionInfo retrieves connection info from the status of a Node API object. func (k *NodeConnectionInfoGetter) GetConnectionInfo(ctx context.Context, nodeName types.NodeName) (*ConnectionInfo, error) { node, err := k.nodes.Get(ctx, string(nodeName), metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Find a kubelet-reported address, using preferred address type host, err := nodeutil.GetPreferredNodeAddress(node, k.preferredAddressTypes) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Use the kubelet-reported port, if present port := int(node.Status.DaemonEndpoints.KubeletEndpoint.Port) if port <= 0 { port = k.defaultPort } return &ConnectionInfo{ Scheme: k.scheme, Hostname: host, Port: strconv.Itoa(port), Transport: k.transport, }, nil } 

pkg / kubelet /客户/ kubelet_client.go

主节点通信>主节点到群集> apiserver到kubelet的文档

这些连接在kubelet的HTTPS端点上关闭。 默认情况下,apiserver不会验证kubelet的证书,这会使连接容易受到“中间攻击”(MITM)的影响,并且对于在不受信任和/或公共网络上的工作而言是不安全的。


 // Connect returns a handler for the pod exec proxy func (r *ExecREST) Connect(ctx context.Context, name string, opts runtime.Object, responder rest.Responder) (http.Handler, error) { execOpts, ok := opts.(*api.PodExecOptions) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid options object: %#v", opts) } location, transport, err := pod.ExecLocation(r.Store, r.KubeletConn, ctx, name, execOpts) if err != nil { return nil, err } return newThrottledUpgradeAwareProxyHandler(location, transport, false, true, true, responder), nil } 

pkg /注册表/核心/ pod / rest / subresources.go


首先,我们找到工作节点的IP。 在我们的情况下,这是192.168.205.11:

 // any machine $ kubectl get nodes k8s-node-1 -o wide NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME k8s-node-1 Ready <none> 9h v1.15.3 <none> Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS 4.4.0-159-generic docker://17.3.3 


 // any machine $ kubectl get nodes k8s-node-1 -o jsonpath='{.status.daemonEndpoints.kubeletEndpoint}' map[Port:10250] 

现在该检查网络了。 是否存在到工作节点(的连接? 在那里! 如果您杀死了exec进程,它将消失,因此我知道该连接是由api服务器通过执行exec命令建立的。

 // master node $ netstat -atn |grep tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED … 

kubectl和api服务器之间的连接仍然打开。 此外,还有另一个连接api-server和kubelet的连接。




  // worker node $ netstat -atn |grep 10250 tcp6 0 0 :::10250 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 

那我们的sleep团队呢? 哇,她也在场!

  // worker node $ ps -afx ... 31463 ? Sl 0:00 \_ docker-containerd-shim 7d974065bbb3107074ce31c51f5ef40aea8dcd535ae11a7b8f2dd180b8ed583a /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/7d974065bbb3107074ce31c51 31478 pts/0 Ss 0:00 \_ sh 31485 pts/0 S+ 0:00 \_ sleep 5000 … 

但是,等等:kubelet是如何启动的? kubelet中有一个守护程序,该守护程序允许通过端口访问api服务器请求的API:

 // Server is the library interface to serve the stream requests. type Server interface { http.Handler // Get the serving URL for the requests. // Requests must not be nil. Responses may be nil iff an error is returned. GetExec(*runtimeapi.ExecRequest) (*runtimeapi.ExecResponse, error) GetAttach(req *runtimeapi.AttachRequest) (*runtimeapi.AttachResponse, error) GetPortForward(*runtimeapi.PortForwardRequest) (*runtimeapi.PortForwardResponse, error) // Start the server. // addr is the address to serve on (address:port) stayUp indicates whether the server should // listen until Stop() is called, or automatically stop after all expected connections are // closed. Calling Get{Exec,Attach,PortForward} increments the expected connection count. // Function does not return until the server is stopped. Start(stayUp bool) error // Stop the server, and terminate any open connections. Stop() error } 

pkg / kubelet /服务器/流/ server.go


 func (s *server) GetExec(req *runtimeapi.ExecRequest) (*runtimeapi.ExecResponse, error) { if err := validateExecRequest(req); err != nil { return nil, err } token, err := s.cache.Insert(req) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &runtimeapi.ExecResponse{ Url: s.buildURL("exec", token), }, nil } 

pkg / kubelet /服务器/流/ server.go

不要混淆。 它不返回命令的结果,而是用于通信的端点:

 type ExecResponse struct { // Fully qualified URL of the exec streaming server. Url string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=url,proto3" json:"url,omitempty"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } 

cri-api / pkg / apis / runtime / v1alpha2 / api.pb.go

Kubelet实现了RuntimeServiceClient接口,该接口是Container Runtime接口的一部分(我们在此进行了更多介绍,例如, 在这里 -大约翻译)

从cri-api到kubernetes / kubernetes的长列表
 // For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn.NewStream. type RuntimeServiceClient interface { // Version returns the runtime name, runtime version, and runtime API version. Version(ctx context.Context, in *VersionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*VersionResponse, error) // RunPodSandbox creates and starts a pod-level sandbox. Runtimes must ensure // the sandbox is in the ready state on success. RunPodSandbox(ctx context.Context, in *RunPodSandboxRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*RunPodSandboxResponse, error) // StopPodSandbox stops any running process that is part of the sandbox and // reclaims network resources (eg, IP addresses) allocated to the sandbox. // If there are any running containers in the sandbox, they must be forcibly // terminated. // This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if all relevant // resources have already been reclaimed. kubelet will call StopPodSandbox // at least once before calling RemovePodSandbox. It will also attempt to // reclaim resources eagerly, as soon as a sandbox is not needed. Hence, // multiple StopPodSandbox calls are expected. StopPodSandbox(ctx context.Context, in *StopPodSandboxRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*StopPodSandboxResponse, error) // RemovePodSandbox removes the sandbox. If there are any running containers // in the sandbox, they must be forcibly terminated and removed. // This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the sandbox has // already been removed. RemovePodSandbox(ctx context.Context, in *RemovePodSandboxRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*RemovePodSandboxResponse, error) // PodSandboxStatus returns the status of the PodSandbox. If the PodSandbox is not // present, returns an error. PodSandboxStatus(ctx context.Context, in *PodSandboxStatusRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*PodSandboxStatusResponse, error) // ListPodSandbox returns a list of PodSandboxes. ListPodSandbox(ctx context.Context, in *ListPodSandboxRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListPodSandboxResponse, error) // CreateContainer creates a new container in specified PodSandbox CreateContainer(ctx context.Context, in *CreateContainerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*CreateContainerResponse, error) // StartContainer starts the container. StartContainer(ctx context.Context, in *StartContainerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*StartContainerResponse, error) // StopContainer stops a running container with a grace period (ie, timeout). // This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the container has // already been stopped. // TODO: what must the runtime do after the grace period is reached? StopContainer(ctx context.Context, in *StopContainerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*StopContainerResponse, error) // RemoveContainer removes the container. If the container is running, the // container must be forcibly removed. // This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the container has // already been removed. RemoveContainer(ctx context.Context, in *RemoveContainerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*RemoveContainerResponse, error) // ListContainers lists all containers by filters. ListContainers(ctx context.Context, in *ListContainersRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListContainersResponse, error) // ContainerStatus returns status of the container. If the container is not // present, returns an error. ContainerStatus(ctx context.Context, in *ContainerStatusRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ContainerStatusResponse, error) // UpdateContainerResources updates ContainerConfig of the container. UpdateContainerResources(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateContainerResourcesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*UpdateContainerResourcesResponse, error) // ReopenContainerLog asks runtime to reopen the stdout/stderr log file // for the container. This is often called after the log file has been // rotated. If the container is not running, container runtime can choose // to either create a new log file and return nil, or return an error. // Once it returns error, new container log file MUST NOT be created. ReopenContainerLog(ctx context.Context, in *ReopenContainerLogRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ReopenContainerLogResponse, error) // ExecSync runs a command in a container synchronously. ExecSync(ctx context.Context, in *ExecSyncRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ExecSyncResponse, error) // Exec prepares a streaming endpoint to execute a command in the container. Exec(ctx context.Context, in *ExecRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ExecResponse, error) // Attach prepares a streaming endpoint to attach to a running container. Attach(ctx context.Context, in *AttachRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*AttachResponse, error) // PortForward prepares a streaming endpoint to forward ports from a PodSandbox. PortForward(ctx context.Context, in *PortForwardRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*PortForwardResponse, error) // ContainerStats returns stats of the container. If the container does not // exist, the call returns an error. ContainerStats(ctx context.Context, in *ContainerStatsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ContainerStatsResponse, error) // ListContainerStats returns stats of all running containers. ListContainerStats(ctx context.Context, in *ListContainerStatsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListContainerStatsResponse, error) // UpdateRuntimeConfig updates the runtime configuration based on the given request. UpdateRuntimeConfig(ctx context.Context, in *UpdateRuntimeConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*UpdateRuntimeConfigResponse, error) // Status returns the status of the runtime. Status(ctx context.Context, in *StatusRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*StatusResponse, error) } 

cri-api / pkg / apis / runtime / v1alpha2 / api.pb.go


 type runtimeServiceClient struct { cc *grpc.ClientConn } 

cri-api / pkg / apis / runtime / v1alpha2 / api.pb.go

 func (c *runtimeServiceClient) Exec(ctx context.Context, in *ExecRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ExecResponse, error) { out := new(ExecResponse) err := c.cc.Invoke(ctx, "/runtime.v1alpha2.RuntimeService/Exec", in, out, opts...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out, nil } 

cri-api / pkg / apis / runtime / v1alpha2 / api.pb.go


从cri-api到kubernetes / kubernetes的长列表
 // RuntimeServiceServer is the server API for RuntimeService service. type RuntimeServiceServer interface { // Version returns the runtime name, runtime version, and runtime API version. Version(context.Context, *VersionRequest) (*VersionResponse, error) // RunPodSandbox creates and starts a pod-level sandbox. Runtimes must ensure // the sandbox is in the ready state on success. RunPodSandbox(context.Context, *RunPodSandboxRequest) (*RunPodSandboxResponse, error) // StopPodSandbox stops any running process that is part of the sandbox and // reclaims network resources (eg, IP addresses) allocated to the sandbox. // If there are any running containers in the sandbox, they must be forcibly // terminated. // This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if all relevant // resources have already been reclaimed. kubelet will call StopPodSandbox // at least once before calling RemovePodSandbox. It will also attempt to // reclaim resources eagerly, as soon as a sandbox is not needed. Hence, // multiple StopPodSandbox calls are expected. StopPodSandbox(context.Context, *StopPodSandboxRequest) (*StopPodSandboxResponse, error) // RemovePodSandbox removes the sandbox. If there are any running containers // in the sandbox, they must be forcibly terminated and removed. // This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the sandbox has // already been removed. RemovePodSandbox(context.Context, *RemovePodSandboxRequest) (*RemovePodSandboxResponse, error) // PodSandboxStatus returns the status of the PodSandbox. If the PodSandbox is not // present, returns an error. PodSandboxStatus(context.Context, *PodSandboxStatusRequest) (*PodSandboxStatusResponse, error) // ListPodSandbox returns a list of PodSandboxes. ListPodSandbox(context.Context, *ListPodSandboxRequest) (*ListPodSandboxResponse, error) // CreateContainer creates a new container in specified PodSandbox CreateContainer(context.Context, *CreateContainerRequest) (*CreateContainerResponse, error) // StartContainer starts the container. StartContainer(context.Context, *StartContainerRequest) (*StartContainerResponse, error) // StopContainer stops a running container with a grace period (ie, timeout). // This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the container has // already been stopped. // TODO: what must the runtime do after the grace period is reached? StopContainer(context.Context, *StopContainerRequest) (*StopContainerResponse, error) // RemoveContainer removes the container. If the container is running, the // container must be forcibly removed. // This call is idempotent, and must not return an error if the container has // already been removed. RemoveContainer(context.Context, *RemoveContainerRequest) (*RemoveContainerResponse, error) // ListContainers lists all containers by filters. ListContainers(context.Context, *ListContainersRequest) (*ListContainersResponse, error) // ContainerStatus returns status of the container. If the container is not // present, returns an error. ContainerStatus(context.Context, *ContainerStatusRequest) (*ContainerStatusResponse, error) // UpdateContainerResources updates ContainerConfig of the container. UpdateContainerResources(context.Context, *UpdateContainerResourcesRequest) (*UpdateContainerResourcesResponse, error) // ReopenContainerLog asks runtime to reopen the stdout/stderr log file // for the container. This is often called after the log file has been // rotated. If the container is not running, container runtime can choose // to either create a new log file and return nil, or return an error. // Once it returns error, new container log file MUST NOT be created. ReopenContainerLog(context.Context, *ReopenContainerLogRequest) (*ReopenContainerLogResponse, error) // ExecSync runs a command in a container synchronously. ExecSync(context.Context, *ExecSyncRequest) (*ExecSyncResponse, error) // Exec prepares a streaming endpoint to execute a command in the container. Exec(context.Context, *ExecRequest) (*ExecResponse, error) // Attach prepares a streaming endpoint to attach to a running container. Attach(context.Context, *AttachRequest) (*AttachResponse, error) // PortForward prepares a streaming endpoint to forward ports from a PodSandbox. PortForward(context.Context, *PortForwardRequest) (*PortForwardResponse, error) // ContainerStats returns stats of the container. If the container does not // exist, the call returns an error. ContainerStats(context.Context, *ContainerStatsRequest) (*ContainerStatsResponse, error) // ListContainerStats returns stats of all running containers. ListContainerStats(context.Context, *ListContainerStatsRequest) (*ListContainerStatsResponse, error) // UpdateRuntimeConfig updates the runtime configuration based on the given request. UpdateRuntimeConfig(context.Context, *UpdateRuntimeConfigRequest) (*UpdateRuntimeConfigResponse, error) // Status returns the status of the runtime. Status(context.Context, *StatusRequest) (*StatusResponse, error) } 

cri-api / pkg / apis / runtime / v1alpha2 / api.pb.go

如果是这样,我们应该看到kubelet和容器运行时之间的连接,对吗? 让我们来看看。

在exec命令之前和之后运行此命令,并查看差异。 就我而言,区别是:

 // worker node $ ss -a -p |grep kubelet ... u_str ESTAB 0 0 * 157937 * 157387 users:(("kubelet",pid=5714,fd=33)) ... 

嗯……通过kubelet(pid = 5714)与未知对象之间的UNIX套接字的新连接。 可能是什么? 没错,这就是Docker(pid = 1186)!

 // worker node $ ss -a -p |grep 157387 ... u_str ESTAB 0 0 * 157937 * 157387 users:(("kubelet",pid=5714,fd=33)) u_str ESTAB 0 0 /var/run/docker.sock 157387 * 157937 users:(("dockerd",pid=1186,fd=14)) ... 

您还记得吗,这是一个执行我们命令的docker守护进程(pid = 1186):

 // worker node $ ps -afx ... 1186 ? Ssl 0:55 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// 17784 ? Sl 0:00 \_ docker-containerd-shim 53a0a08547b2f95986402d7f3b3e78702516244df049ba6c5aa012e81264aa3c /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/53a0a08547b2f95986402d7f3 17801 pts/2 Ss 0:00 \_ sh 17827 pts/2 S+ 0:00 \_ sleep 5000 ... 


让我们检查CRI-O的源代码以了解正在发生的事情。 在Docker中,逻辑相似。


 // Server implements the RuntimeService and ImageService type Server struct { config libconfig.Config seccompProfile *seccomp.Seccomp stream StreamService netPlugin ocicni.CNIPlugin hostportManager hostport.HostPortManager appArmorProfile string hostIP string bindAddress string *lib.ContainerServer monitorsChan chan struct{} defaultIDMappings *idtools.IDMappings systemContext *types.SystemContext // Never nil updateLock sync.RWMutex seccompEnabled bool appArmorEnabled bool } 

cri-o / server / server.go

 // Exec prepares a streaming endpoint to execute a command in the container. func (s *Server) Exec(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ExecRequest) (resp *pb.ExecResponse, err error) { const operation = "exec" defer func() { recordOperation(operation, time.Now()) recordError(operation, err) }() resp, err = s.getExec(req) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to prepare exec endpoint: %v", err) } return resp, nil } 

cri-o / erver / container_exec.go


 // ExecContainer prepares a streaming endpoint to execute a command in the container. func (r *runtimeOCI) ExecContainer(c *Container, cmd []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.WriteCloser, tty bool, resize <-chan remotecommand.TerminalSize) error { processFile, err := prepareProcessExec(c, cmd, tty) if err != nil { return err } defer os.RemoveAll(processFile.Name()) args := []string{rootFlag, r.root, "exec"} args = append(args, "--process", processFile.Name(), c.ID()) execCmd := exec.Command(r.path, args...) if v, found := os.LookupEnv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"); found { execCmd.Env = append(execCmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=%s", v)) } var cmdErr, copyError error if tty { cmdErr = ttyCmd(execCmd, stdin, stdout, resize) } else { if stdin != nil { // Use an os.Pipe here as it returns true *os.File objects. // This way, if you run 'kubectl exec <pod> -i bash' (no tty) and type 'exit', // the call below to execCmd.Run() can unblock because its Stdin is the read half // of the pipe. r, w, err := os.Pipe() if err != nil { return err } go func() { _, copyError = pools.Copy(w, stdin) }() execCmd.Stdin = r } if stdout != nil { execCmd.Stdout = stdout } if stderr != nil { execCmd.Stderr = stderr } cmdErr = execCmd.Run() } if copyError != nil { return copyError } if exitErr, ok := cmdErr.(*exec.ExitError); ok { return &utilexec.ExitErrorWrapper{ExitError: exitErr} } return cmdErr } 

cri-o / internal / oci / runtime_oci.go



  • API Server也可以启动与kubelet的连接。
  • 保持以下连接,直到交互式exec会话结束:
    • 在kubectl和api-server之间;
    • 在api服务器和kubectl之间;
    • 在kubelet和容器运行时之间。
  • Kubectl或api服务器无法在生产节点上运行任何东西。 Kubelet可以启动,但是对于这些操作,它还与容器运行时交互。




Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/zh-CN466093/

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