

许多人想在android上开始编程,但是Android Studio和Java吓跑了他们。 怎么了 因为从某种意义上说,它是从麻雀上的大炮开始的。 “我只想做一条蛇,仅此而已!”

让我们开始吧! (最后的奖金)

为什么要在Kivy上创建另一个蛇教程? (可选阅读)
如果您是Python专家,并且想开始为android开发简单的游戏,则应该已经在Google上搜索了“ snake on android”,并找到了它(Eng)或其翻译(Rus) 。 我也做到了。 不幸的是,由于以下几个原因,我发现本文没有用:



  1. 分别使用“尾巴”和“头”。 这是没有必要的,因为在蛇中头是尾巴的第一部分。 您不应将整条蛇分成两部分,而这两部分是分别编写代码的。
  2. self.update中的Clock.schedule从... self.update中调用。
  3. 第二级类(有条件地是第一类的入口点)在开头声明了Playground,但是第一级类SnakeApp在文件的末尾声明了。
  4. 方向的名称(“上”,“下”,...),而不是矢量((0,1),(1,0)...)。

  1. 动态对象(例如水果)已附加到kv文件,因此,如果不重写一半的代码,就不能创建多个苹果
  2. 移动一条蛇而不是逐个单元地移动的美妙逻辑。
  3. 350行-代码太长。


这是我个人的看法。 而且,我不能保证我的文章会更加有趣和易于理解。 但我会尽力,并保证:

  1. 代码简短
  2. 美丽的蛇(相对)
  3. 本教程将分阶段进行。





请确保已经安装Kivy(如果没有,请按照说明进行操作 )并运行
在项目文件夹中的buildozer init



 from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget class WormApp(App): def build(self): return Widget() if __name__ == '__main__': WormApp().run() 

我们创建了一个小部件。 同样,我们可以创建按钮或图形界面的任何其他元素:

 from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.uix.button import Button class WormApp(App): def build(self): self.but = Button() self.but.pos = (100, 100) self.but.size = (200, 200) self.but.text = "Hello, cruel world" self.form = Widget() self.form.add_widget(self.but) return self.form if __name__ == '__main__': WormApp().run() 

万岁! 恭喜你! 您已经创建了一个按钮!


但是,还有另一种创建此类元素的方法。 首先,声明我们的表格:

 from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.uix.button import Button class Form(Widget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.but1 = Button() self.but1.pos = (100, 100) self.add_widget(self.but1) class WormApp(App): def build(self): self.form = Form() return self.form if __name__ == '__main__': WormApp().run() 

然后创建“ worm.kv”文件。


 <Form>: but2: but_id Button: id: but_id pos: (200, 200) 

发生什么事了 我们创建了另一个按钮,并分配ID but_id。 现在,but_id与but2表单相关联。 这意味着我们可以使用but2访问该按钮:

 class Form(Widget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.but1 = Button() self.but1.pos = (100, 100) self.add_widget(self.but1) # self.but2.text = "OH MY" 


接下来,创建一个图形元素。 首先,在worm.kv中声明它:

 <Form>: <Cell>: canvas: Rectangle: size: self.size pos: self.pos 

我们将矩形的位置与self.pos关联,并将其大小与self.size关联。 因此,现在这些属性可以从Cell中获得,例如,一旦创建了一个单元,就可以更改其大小和位置:

 class Cell(Widget): def __init__(self, x, y, size): super().__init__() self.size = (size, size) #   ,    self.size    "size"  self.pos = (x, y) class Form(Widget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.cell = Cell(100, 100, 30) self.add_widget(self.cell) 



让我们尝试移动蛇。 为此,我们可以添加Form.update函数并使用Clock.schedule绑定到计划。

 from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.clock import Clock class Cell(Widget): def __init__(self, x, y, size): super().__init__() self.size = (size, size) self.pos = (x, y) class Form(Widget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.cell = Cell(100, 100, 30) self.add_widget(self.cell) def start(self): Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 0.01) def update(self, _): self.cell.pos = (self.cell.pos[0] + 2, self.cell.pos[1] + 3) class WormApp(App): def build(self): self.form = Form() self.form.start() return self.form if __name__ == '__main__': WormApp().run() 

单元将移动形状。 如您所见,我们可以使用Clock为任何功能设置一个计时器。

接下来,创建一个触摸事件。 重写表格:

 class Form(Widget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.cells = [] def start(self): Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 0.01) def update(self, _): for cell in self.cells: cell.pos = (cell.pos[0] + 2, cell.pos[1] + 3) def on_touch_down(self, touch): cell = Cell(touch.x, touch.y, 30) self.add_widget(cell) self.cells.append(cell) 

每个touch_down都会创建一个坐标=(touch.x,touch.y)和大小= 30的单元格。然后,我们将其作为AND表单小部件添加到我们自己的数组中(以供以后访问)。




这样做有很多原因。 所有逻辑必须与所谓的实际位置联系在一起,但是图形之一是实际位置的结果。 例如,如果我们要缩进,则当前位置将为(100,100),而图形位置为(102,102)。

PS:如果要处理on_draw,我们不会洗个澡。 但是现在我们不必用爪子重新绘制形状。


 <Form>: <Cell>: canvas: Rectangle: size: self.graphical_size pos: self.graphical_pos 


 ... from kivy.properties import * ... class Cell(Widget): graphical_size = ListProperty([1, 1]) graphical_pos = ListProperty([1, 1]) def __init__(self, x, y, size, margin=4): super().__init__() self.actual_size = (size, size) self.graphical_size = (size - margin, size - margin) self.margin = margin self.actual_pos = (x, y) self.graphical_pos_attach() def graphical_pos_attach(self): self.graphical_pos = (self.actual_pos[0] - self.graphical_size[0] / 2, self.actual_pos[1] - self.graphical_size[1] / 2) ... class Form(Widget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.cell1 = Cell(100, 100, 30) self.cell2 = Cell(130, 100, 30) self.add_widget(self.cell1) self.add_widget(self.cell2) ... 

缩进已经出现,因此尽管我们创建了第二个单元格,其X = 130而不是132,但看起来还是更好。稍后,我们将根据Actual_pos与graphics_pos之间的距离进行柔和的移动。




 class Config: DEFAULT_LENGTH = 20 CELL_SIZE = 25 APPLE_SIZE = 35 MARGIN = 4 INTERVAL = 0.2 DEAD_CELL = (1, 0, 0, 1) APPLE_COLOR = (1, 1, 0, 1) 



 class WormApp(App): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.config = Config() self.form = Form(self.config) def build(self): self.form.start() return self.form 


 class Form(Widget): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.worm = None def start(self): self.worm = Worm(self.config) self.add_widget(self.worm) Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.config.INTERVAL) 


 class Cell(Widget): graphical_size = ListProperty([1, 1]) graphical_pos = ListProperty([1, 1]) def __init__(self, x, y, size, margin=4): super().__init__() self.actual_size = (size, size) self.graphical_size = (size - margin, size - margin) self.margin = margin self.actual_pos = (x, y) self.graphical_pos_attach() def graphical_pos_attach(self): self.graphical_pos = (self.actual_pos[0] - self.graphical_size[0] / 2, self.actual_pos[1] - self.graphical_size[1] / 2) def move_to(self, x, y): self.actual_pos = (x, y) self.graphical_pos_attach() def move_by(self, x, y, **kwargs): self.move_to(self.actual_pos[0] + x, self.actual_pos[1] + y, **kwargs) def get_pos(self): return self.actual_pos def step_by(self, direction, **kwargs): self.move_by(self.actual_size[0] * direction[0], self.actual_size[1] * direction[1], **kwargs) 



 class Worm(Widget): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.cells = [] self.config = config self.cell_size = config.CELL_SIZE self.head_init((100, 100)) for i in range(config.DEFAULT_LENGTH): self.lengthen() def destroy(self): for i in range(len(self.cells)): self.remove_widget(self.cells[i]) self.cells = [] def lengthen(self, pos=None, direction=(0, 1)): #   ,    ,  -      if pos is None: px = self.cells[-1].get_pos()[0] + direction[0] * self.cell_size py = self.cells[-1].get_pos()[1] + direction[1] * self.cell_size pos = (px, py) self.cells.append(Cell(*pos, self.cell_size, margin=self.config.MARGIN)) self.add_widget(self.cells[-1]) def head_init(self, pos): self.lengthen(pos=pos) 





 class Worm(Widget): ... def move(self, direction): for i in range(len(self.cells) - 1, 0, -1): self.cells[i].move_to(*self.cells[i - 1].get_pos()) self.cells[0].step_by(direction) 

 class Form(Widget): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.worm = None self.cur_dir = (0, 0) def start(self): self.worm = Worm(self.config) self.add_widget(self.worm) self.cur_dir = (1, 0) Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.config.INTERVAL) def update(self, _): self.worm.move(self.cur_dir) 

它还活着! 它还活着!



 class Form(Widget): ... def on_touch_down(self, touch): ws = touch.x / self.size[0] hs = touch.y / self.size[1] aws = 1 - ws if ws > hs and aws > hs: cur_dir = (0, -1) #  elif ws > hs >= aws: cur_dir = (1, 0) #  elif ws <= hs < aws: cur_dir = (-1, 0) #  else: cur_dir = (0, 1) #  self.cur_dir = cur_dir 



 class Form(Widget): ... def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.worm = None self.cur_dir = (0, 0) self.fruit = None ... def random_cell_location(self, offset): x_row = self.size[0] // self.config.CELL_SIZE x_col = self.size[1] // self.config.CELL_SIZE return random.randint(offset, x_row - offset), random.randint(offset, x_col - offset) def random_location(self, offset): x_row, x_col = self.random_cell_location(offset) return self.config.CELL_SIZE * x_row, self.config.CELL_SIZE * x_col def fruit_dislocate(self): x, y = self.random_location(2) self.fruit.move_to(x, y) ... def start(self): self.fruit = Cell(0, 0, self.config.APPLE_SIZE, self.config.MARGIN) self.worm = Worm(self.config) self.fruit_dislocate() self.add_widget(self.worm) self.add_widget(self.fruit) self.cur_dir = (1, 0) Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.config.INTERVAL) 



 class Worm(Widget): ... #      def gather_positions(self): return [cell.get_pos() for cell in self.cells] #        def head_intersect(self, cell): return self.cells[0].get_pos() == cell.get_pos() 


 class Form(Widget): def fruit_dislocate(self): x, y = self.random_location(2) while (x, y) in self.worm.gather_positions(): x, y = self.random_location(2) self.fruit.move_to(x, y) 



 class Form(Widget): ... def update(self, _): self.worm.move(self.cur_dir) if self.worm.head_intersect(self.fruit): directions = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)] self.worm.lengthen(direction=random.choice(directions)) self.fruit_dislocate() 



 class Form(Widget): ... def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.worm = None self.cur_dir = (0, 0) self.fruit = None self.game_on = True def update(self, _): if not self.game_on: return self.worm.move(self.cur_dir) if self.worm.head_intersect(self.fruit): directions = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)] self.worm.lengthen(direction=random.choice(directions)) self.fruit_dislocate() if self.worm_bite_self(): self.game_on = False def worm_bite_self(self): for cell in self.worm.cells[1:]: if self.worm.head_intersect(cell): return cell return False 




 class Form(Widget): ... def start(self): self.worm = Worm(self.config) self.add_widget(self.worm) if self.fruit is not None: self.remove_widget(self.fruit) self.fruit = Cell(0, 0, self.config.APPLE_SIZE) self.fruit_dislocate() self.add_widget(self.fruit) Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.config.INTERVAL) self.game_on = True self.cur_dir = (0, -1) def stop(self): self.game_on = False Clock.unschedule(self.update) def game_over(self): self.stop() ... def on_touch_down(self, touch): if not self.game_on: self.worm.destroy() self.start() return ... 




 <Form>: popup_label: popup_label score_label: score_label canvas: Color: rgba: (.5, .5, .5, 1.0) Line: width: 1.5 points: (0, 0), self.size Line: width: 1.5 points: (self.size[0], 0), (0, self.size[1]) Label: id: score_label text: "Score: " + str(self.parent.worm_len) width: self.width Label: id: popup_label width: self.width <Worm>: <Cell>: canvas: Color: rgba: self.color Rectangle: size: self.graphical_size pos: self.graphical_pos 


 class WormApp(App): def build(self): self.config = Config() self.form = Form(self.config) return self.form def on_start(self): self.form.start() 

着色。 重写.kv中的单元格:

 <Cell>: canvas: Color: rgba: self.color Rectangle: size: self.graphical_size pos: self.graphical_pos 

将此添加到Cell .__ init__:
 self.color = (0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) # 


 self.fruit.color = (1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) 



 class Form(Widget): ... def __init__(self, config): ... self.popup_label.text = "" ... def stop(self, text=""): self.game_on = False self.popup_label.text = text Clock.unschedule(self.update) def game_over(self): self.stop("GAME OVER" + " " * 5 + "\ntap to reset") 



  def update(self, _): ... if self.worm_bite_self(): self.game_over() ... 

  def update(self, _): cell = self.worm_bite_self() if cell: cell.color = (1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) self.game_over() 

你还在吗 最有趣的部分是前方!


由于蠕虫步长等于cell_size,因此看起来不太平滑。 但是,我们希望尽可能多地采取措施,而不必完全重写游戏的逻辑。 因此,我们需要一种机制来移动图形位置(graphical_pos),但不影响实际位置(actual_pos)。 我写了以下代码:


 from kivy.clock import Clock import time class Timing: @staticmethod def linear(x): return x class Smooth: def __init__(self, interval=1.0/60.0): self.objs = [] self.running = False self.interval = interval def run(self): if self.running: return self.running = True Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.interval) def stop(self): if not self.running: return self.running = False Clock.unschedule(self.update) def setattr(self, obj, attr, value): exec("obj." + attr + " = " + str(value)) def getattr(self, obj, attr): return float(eval("obj." + attr)) def update(self, _): cur_time = time.time() for line in self.objs: obj, prop_name_x, prop_name_y, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y, start_time, period, timing = line time_gone = cur_time - start_time if time_gone >= period: self.setattr(obj, prop_name_x, to_x) self.setattr(obj, prop_name_y, to_y) self.objs.remove(line) else: share = time_gone / period acs = timing(share) self.setattr(obj, prop_name_x, from_x * (1 - acs) + to_x * acs) self.setattr(obj, prop_name_y, from_y * (1 - acs) + to_y * acs) if len(self.objs) == 0: self.stop() def move_to(self, obj, prop_name_x, prop_name_y, to_x, to_y, t, timing=Timing.linear): self.objs.append((obj, prop_name_x, prop_name_y, self.getattr(obj, prop_name_x), self.getattr(obj, prop_name_y), to_x, to_y, time.time(), t, timing)) self.run() class XSmooth(Smooth): def __init__(self, props, timing=Timing.linear, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.props = props self.timing = timing def move_to(self, obj, to_x, to_y, t): super().move_to(obj, *self.props, to_x, to_y, t, timing=self.timing) 

这个模块不是最重要的。 我认为这个决定是不好的。 但是,这只是一个世界末日的解决方案。


 class Form(Widget): ... def __init__(self, config): ... self.smooth = smooth.XSmooth(["graphical_pos[0]", "graphical_pos[1]"]) 


 class Form(Widget): ... def update(self, _): ... self.worm.move(self.cur_dir, smooth_motion=(self.smooth, self.config.INTERVAL)) 


 class Cell(Widget): ... def graphical_pos_attach(self, smooth_motion=None): to_x, to_y = self.actual_pos[0] - self.graphical_size[0] / 2, self.actual_pos[1] - self.graphical_size[1] / 2 if smooth_motion is None: self.graphical_pos = to_x, to_y else: smoother, t = smooth_motion smoother.move_to(self, to_x, to_y, t) def move_to(self, x, y, **kwargs): self.actual_pos = (x, y) self.graphical_pos_attach(**kwargs) def move_by(self, x, y, **kwargs): self.move_to(self.actual_pos[0] + x, self.actual_pos[1] + y, **kwargs) 

好,就是这样,谢谢您的关注! 代码如下。


 from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.properties import * import random import smooth class Cell(Widget): graphical_size = ListProperty([1, 1]) graphical_pos = ListProperty([1, 1]) color = ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1]) def __init__(self, x, y, size, margin=4): super().__init__() self.actual_size = (size, size) self.graphical_size = (size - margin, size - margin) self.margin = margin self.actual_pos = (x, y) self.graphical_pos_attach() self.color = (0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) def graphical_pos_attach(self, smooth_motion=None): to_x, to_y = self.actual_pos[0] - self.graphical_size[0] / 2, self.actual_pos[1] - self.graphical_size[1] / 2 if smooth_motion is None: self.graphical_pos = to_x, to_y else: smoother, t = smooth_motion smoother.move_to(self, to_x, to_y, t) def move_to(self, x, y, **kwargs): self.actual_pos = (x, y) self.graphical_pos_attach(**kwargs) def move_by(self, x, y, **kwargs): self.move_to(self.actual_pos[0] + x, self.actual_pos[1] + y, **kwargs) def get_pos(self): return self.actual_pos def step_by(self, direction, **kwargs): self.move_by(self.actual_size[0] * direction[0], self.actual_size[1] * direction[1], **kwargs) class Worm(Widget): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.cells = [] self.config = config self.cell_size = config.CELL_SIZE self.head_init((100, 100)) for i in range(config.DEFAULT_LENGTH): self.lengthen() def destroy(self): for i in range(len(self.cells)): self.remove_widget(self.cells[i]) self.cells = [] def lengthen(self, pos=None, direction=(0, 1)): if pos is None: px = self.cells[-1].get_pos()[0] + direction[0] * self.cell_size py = self.cells[-1].get_pos()[1] + direction[1] * self.cell_size pos = (px, py) self.cells.append(Cell(*pos, self.cell_size, margin=self.config.MARGIN)) self.add_widget(self.cells[-1]) def head_init(self, pos): self.lengthen(pos=pos) def move(self, direction, **kwargs): for i in range(len(self.cells) - 1, 0, -1): self.cells[i].move_to(*self.cells[i - 1].get_pos(), **kwargs) self.cells[0].step_by(direction, **kwargs) def gather_positions(self): return [cell.get_pos() for cell in self.cells] def head_intersect(self, cell): return self.cells[0].get_pos() == cell.get_pos() class Form(Widget): worm_len = NumericProperty(0) def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.worm = None self.cur_dir = (0, 0) self.fruit = None self.game_on = True self.smooth = smooth.XSmooth(["graphical_pos[0]", "graphical_pos[1]"]) def random_cell_location(self, offset): x_row = self.size[0] // self.config.CELL_SIZE x_col = self.size[1] // self.config.CELL_SIZE return random.randint(offset, x_row - offset), random.randint(offset, x_col - offset) def random_location(self, offset): x_row, x_col = self.random_cell_location(offset) return self.config.CELL_SIZE * x_row, self.config.CELL_SIZE * x_col def fruit_dislocate(self): x, y = self.random_location(2) while (x, y) in self.worm.gather_positions(): x, y = self.random_location(2) self.fruit.move_to(x, y) def start(self): self.worm = Worm(self.config) self.add_widget(self.worm) if self.fruit is not None: self.remove_widget(self.fruit) self.fruit = Cell(0, 0, self.config.APPLE_SIZE) self.fruit.color = (1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) self.fruit_dislocate() self.add_widget(self.fruit) self.game_on = True self.cur_dir = (0, -1) Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.config.INTERVAL) self.popup_label.text = "" def stop(self, text=""): self.game_on = False self.popup_label.text = text Clock.unschedule(self.update) def game_over(self): self.stop("GAME OVER" + " " * 5 + "\ntap to reset") def align_labels(self): try: self.popup_label.pos = ((self.size[0] - self.popup_label.width) / 2, self.size[1] / 2) self.score_label.pos = ((self.size[0] - self.score_label.width) / 2, self.size[1] - 80) except: print(self.__dict__) assert False def update(self, _): if not self.game_on: return self.worm.move(self.cur_dir, smooth_motion=(self.smooth, self.config.INTERVAL)) if self.worm.head_intersect(self.fruit): directions = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)] self.worm.lengthen(direction=random.choice(directions)) self.fruit_dislocate() cell = self.worm_bite_self() if cell: cell.color = (1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) self.game_over() self.worm_len = len(self.worm.cells) self.align_labels() def on_touch_down(self, touch): if not self.game_on: self.worm.destroy() self.start() return ws = touch.x / self.size[0] hs = touch.y / self.size[1] aws = 1 - ws if ws > hs and aws > hs: cur_dir = (0, -1) elif ws > hs >= aws: cur_dir = (1, 0) elif ws <= hs < aws: cur_dir = (-1, 0) else: cur_dir = (0, 1) self.cur_dir = cur_dir def worm_bite_self(self): for cell in self.worm.cells[1:]: if self.worm.head_intersect(cell): return cell return False class Config: DEFAULT_LENGTH = 20 CELL_SIZE = 25 APPLE_SIZE = 35 MARGIN = 4 INTERVAL = 0.3 DEAD_CELL = (1, 0, 0, 1) APPLE_COLOR = (1, 1, 0, 1) class WormApp(App): def build(self): self.config = Config() self.form = Form(self.config) return self.form def on_start(self): self.form.start() if __name__ == '__main__': WormApp().run() 

 from kivy.clock import Clock import time class Timing: @staticmethod def linear(x): return x class Smooth: def __init__(self, interval=1.0/60.0): self.objs = [] self.running = False self.interval = interval def run(self): if self.running: return self.running = True Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.interval) def stop(self): if not self.running: return self.running = False Clock.unschedule(self.update) def setattr(self, obj, attr, value): exec("obj." + attr + " = " + str(value)) def getattr(self, obj, attr): return float(eval("obj." + attr)) def update(self, _): cur_time = time.time() for line in self.objs: obj, prop_name_x, prop_name_y, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y, start_time, period, timing = line time_gone = cur_time - start_time if time_gone >= period: self.setattr(obj, prop_name_x, to_x) self.setattr(obj, prop_name_y, to_y) self.objs.remove(line) else: share = time_gone / period acs = timing(share) self.setattr(obj, prop_name_x, from_x * (1 - acs) + to_x * acs) self.setattr(obj, prop_name_y, from_y * (1 - acs) + to_y * acs) if len(self.objs) == 0: self.stop() def move_to(self, obj, prop_name_x, prop_name_y, to_x, to_y, t, timing=Timing.linear): self.objs.append((obj, prop_name_x, prop_name_y, self.getattr(obj, prop_name_x), self.getattr(obj, prop_name_y), to_x, to_y, time.time(), t, timing)) self.run() class XSmooth(Smooth): def __init__(self, props, timing=Timing.linear, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.props = props self.timing = timing def move_to(self, obj, to_x, to_y, t): super().move_to(obj, *self.props, to_x, to_y, t, timing=self.timing) 

 <Form>: popup_label: popup_label score_label: score_label canvas: Color: rgba: (.5, .5, .5, 1.0) Line: width: 1.5 points: (0, 0), self.size Line: width: 1.5 points: (self.size[0], 0), (0, self.size[1]) Label: id: score_label text: "Score: " + str(self.parent.worm_len) width: self.width Label: id: popup_label width: self.width <Worm>: <Cell>: canvas: Color: rgba: self.color Rectangle: size: self.graphical_size pos: self.graphical_pos 

我的代码是由Kivy贡献者之一的tshirtman检查的,他建议我使用Point指令,而不是为每个单元格创建一个小部件。 但是,尽管对理解UI和gamedev的开发肯定更好,但是对我来说,这段代码似乎比我的要容易理解。 通常,下面是代码:
 from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.properties import * import random import smooth class Cell: def __init__(self, x, y): self.actual_pos = (x, y) def move_to(self, x, y): self.actual_pos = (x, y) def move_by(self, x, y): self.move_to(self.actual_pos[0] + x, self.actual_pos[1] + y) def get_pos(self): return self.actual_pos class Fruit(Cell): def __init__(self, x, y): super().__init__(x, y) class Worm(Widget): margin = NumericProperty(4) graphical_poses = ListProperty() inj_pos = ListProperty([-1000, -1000]) graphical_size = NumericProperty(0) def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.cells = [] self.config = config self.cell_size = config.CELL_SIZE self.head_init((self.config.CELL_SIZE * random.randint(3, 5), self.config.CELL_SIZE * random.randint(3, 5))) self.margin = config.MARGIN self.graphical_size = self.cell_size - self.margin for i in range(config.DEFAULT_LENGTH): self.lengthen() def destroy(self): self.cells = [] self.graphical_poses = [] self.inj_pos = [-1000, -1000] def cell_append(self, pos): self.cells.append(Cell(*pos)) self.graphical_poses.extend([0, 0]) self.cell_move_to(len(self.cells) - 1, pos) def lengthen(self, pos=None, direction=(0, 1)): if pos is None: px = self.cells[-1].get_pos()[0] + direction[0] * self.cell_size py = self.cells[-1].get_pos()[1] + direction[1] * self.cell_size pos = (px, py) self.cell_append(pos) def head_init(self, pos): self.lengthen(pos=pos) def cell_move_to(self, i, pos, smooth_motion=None): self.cells[i].move_to(*pos) to_x, to_y = pos[0], pos[1] if smooth_motion is None: self.graphical_poses[i * 2], self.graphical_poses[i * 2 + 1] = to_x, to_y else: smoother, t = smooth_motion smoother.move_to(self, "graphical_poses[" + str(i * 2) + "]", "graphical_poses[" + str(i * 2 + 1) + "]", to_x, to_y, t) def move(self, direction, **kwargs): for i in range(len(self.cells) - 1, 0, -1): self.cell_move_to(i, self.cells[i - 1].get_pos(), **kwargs) self.cell_move_to(0, (self.cells[0].get_pos()[0] + self.cell_size * direction[0], self.cells[0].get_pos()[1] + self.cell_size * direction[1]), **kwargs) def gather_positions(self): return [cell.get_pos() for cell in self.cells] def head_intersect(self, cell): return self.cells[0].get_pos() == cell.get_pos() class Form(Widget): worm_len = NumericProperty(0) fruit_pos = ListProperty([0, 0]) fruit_size = NumericProperty(0) def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.config = config self.worm = None self.cur_dir = (0, 0) self.fruit = None self.game_on = True self.smooth = smooth.Smooth() def random_cell_location(self, offset): x_row = self.size[0] // self.config.CELL_SIZE x_col = self.size[1] // self.config.CELL_SIZE return random.randint(offset, x_row - offset), random.randint(offset, x_col - offset) def random_location(self, offset): x_row, x_col = self.random_cell_location(offset) return self.config.CELL_SIZE * x_row, self.config.CELL_SIZE * x_col def fruit_dislocate(self, xy=None): if xy is not None: x, y = xy else: x, y = self.random_location(2) while (x, y) in self.worm.gather_positions(): x, y = self.random_location(2) self.fruit.move_to(x, y) self.fruit_pos = (x, y) def start(self): self.worm = Worm(self.config) self.add_widget(self.worm) self.fruit = Fruit(0, 0) self.fruit_size = self.config.APPLE_SIZE self.fruit_dislocate() self.game_on = True self.cur_dir = (0, -1) Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.config.INTERVAL) self.popup_label.text = "" def stop(self, text=""): self.game_on = False self.popup_label.text = text Clock.unschedule(self.update) def game_over(self): self.stop("GAME OVER" + " " * 5 + "\ntap to reset") def align_labels(self): self.popup_label.pos = ((self.size[0] - self.popup_label.width) / 2, self.size[1] / 2) self.score_label.pos = ((self.size[0] - self.score_label.width) / 2, self.size[1] - 80) def update(self, _): if not self.game_on: return self.worm.move(self.cur_dir, smooth_motion=(self.smooth, self.config.INTERVAL)) if self.worm.head_intersect(self.fruit): directions = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)] self.worm.lengthen(direction=random.choice(directions)) self.fruit_dislocate() cell = self.worm_bite_self() if cell is not None: self.worm.inj_pos = cell.get_pos() self.game_over() self.worm_len = len(self.worm.cells) self.align_labels() def on_touch_down(self, touch): if not self.game_on: self.worm.destroy() self.start() return ws = touch.x / self.size[0] hs = touch.y / self.size[1] aws = 1 - ws if ws > hs and aws > hs: cur_dir = (0, -1) elif ws > hs >= aws: cur_dir = (1, 0) elif ws <= hs < aws: cur_dir = (-1, 0) else: cur_dir = (0, 1) self.cur_dir = cur_dir def worm_bite_self(self): for cell in self.worm.cells[1:]: if self.worm.head_intersect(cell): return cell return None class Config: DEFAULT_LENGTH = 20 CELL_SIZE = 26 #  ,  CELL_SIZE - MARGIN    4 APPLE_SIZE = 36 MARGIN = 2 INTERVAL = 0.3 DEAD_CELL = (1, 0, 0, 1) APPLE_COLOR = (1, 1, 0, 1) class WormApp(App): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.form = None def build(self, **kwargs): self.config = Config() self.form = Form(self.config, **kwargs) return self.form def on_start(self): self.form.start() if __name__ == '__main__': WormApp().run() 

 from kivy.clock import Clock import time class Timing: @staticmethod def linear(x): return x class Smooth: def __init__(self, interval=1.0/60.0): self.objs = [] self.running = False self.interval = interval def run(self): if self.running: return self.running = True Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, self.interval) def stop(self): if not self.running: return self.running = False Clock.unschedule(self.update) def set_attr(self, obj, attr, value): exec("obj." + attr + " = " + str(value)) def get_attr(self, obj, attr): return float(eval("obj." + attr)) def update(self, _): cur_time = time.time() for line in self.objs: obj, prop_name_x, prop_name_y, from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y, start_time, period, timing = line time_gone = cur_time - start_time if time_gone >= period: self.set_attr(obj, prop_name_x, to_x) self.set_attr(obj, prop_name_y, to_y) self.objs.remove(line) else: share = time_gone / period acs = timing(share) self.set_attr(obj, prop_name_x, from_x * (1 - acs) + to_x * acs) self.set_attr(obj, prop_name_y, from_y * (1 - acs) + to_y * acs) if len(self.objs) == 0: self.stop() def move_to(self, obj, prop_name_x, prop_name_y, to_x, to_y, t, timing=Timing.linear): self.objs.append((obj, prop_name_x, prop_name_y, self.get_attr(obj, prop_name_x), self.get_attr(obj, prop_name_y), to_x, to_y, time.time(), t, timing)) self.run() class XSmooth(Smooth): def __init__(self, props, timing=Timing.linear, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.props = props self.timing = timing def move_to(self, obj, to_x, to_y, t): super().move_to(obj, *self.props, to_x, to_y, t, timing=self.timing) 

 <Form>: popup_label: popup_label score_label: score_label canvas: Color: rgba: (.5, .5, .5, 1.0) Line: width: 1.5 points: (0, 0), self.size Line: width: 1.5 points: (self.size[0], 0), (0, self.size[1]) Color: rgba: (1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) Point: points: self.fruit_pos pointsize: self.fruit_size / 2 Label: id: score_label text: "Score: " + str(self.parent.worm_len) width: self.width Label: id: popup_label width: self.width <Worm>: canvas: Color: rgba: (0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0) Point: points: self.graphical_poses pointsize: self.graphical_size / 2 Color: rgba: (1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) Point: points: self.inj_pos pointsize: self.graphical_size / 2 


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/zh-CN466249/

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