



历史负载分析工具或“ AWR for Postgres” :一个非常有趣的解决方案,但是没有pg_stat_activity和pg_locks的历史记录。



这当然会很有帮助,但是非常讨厌的是第一段,“ 所有累积的信息仅存储在RAM中 ”,即 我们会对目标群体产生影响。 此外,没有锁定历史记录和表统计信息。 即 一般而言,解决方案是不完整的:“ 尚无用于安装的现成软件包。 建议下载源代码并自己构建库。 首先,您需要为服务器安装“ devel”软件包,并在PATH变量中写入pg_config的路径。

总的来说-大惊小怪,在严重的生产数据库的情况下,也许将无法对服务器做任何事情。 同样,您需要提出自己的想法。






通常的想法是,数据收集代理不是在目标数据库中启动的,而是在监视数据库中作为系统服务启动的。 是的,可能会丢失一些数据,但这对于报告并不重要,但是就内存和磁盘空间而言,对目标数据库没有影响。 并且在使用连接池的情况下,对用户进程的影响最小。




DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS activity_hist ; CREATE SCHEMA activity_hist AUTHORIZATION monitor ; 




 --ACTIVITY_HIST.HISTORY_PG_STAT_ACTIVITY DROP TABLE IF EXISTS activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity; CREATE TABLE activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity ( timepoint timestamp without time zone , datid oid , datname name , pid integer, usesysid oid , usename name , application_name text , client_addr inet , client_hostname text , client_port integer, backend_start timestamp with time zone , xact_start timestamp with time zone , query_start timestamp with time zone , state_change timestamp with time zone , wait_event_type text , wait_event text , state text , backend_xid xid , backend_xmin xid , query text , backend_type text , queryid bigint ); 



 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity; CREATE TABLE activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity ( timepoint timestamp without time zone , datid oid , datname name , pid integer, usesysid oid , usename name , application_name text , client_addr inet , client_hostname text , client_port integer, backend_start timestamp with time zone , xact_start timestamp with time zone , query_start timestamp with time zone , state_change timestamp with time zone , wait_event_type text , wait_event text , state text , backend_xid xid , backend_xmin xid , query text , backend_type text , queryid bigint ) PARTITION BY RANGE (timepoint); 




 --ACTIVITY_HIST.HISTORY_LOCKING DROP TABLE IF EXISTS activity_hist.history_locking; CREATE TABLE activity_hist.history_locking ( timepoint timestamp without time zone , locktype text , relation oid , mode text , tid xid , vtid text , pid integer , blocking_pids integer[] , granted boolean ); 



 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS activity_hist.archive_locking; CREATE TABLE activity_hist.archive_locking ( timepoint timestamp without time zone , locktype text , relation oid , mode text , tid xid , vtid text , pid integer , blocking_pids integer[] , granted boolean ) PARTITION BY RANGE (timepoint); 




 #!/bin/bash ######################################################### #get_current_activity.sh ERROR_FILE='/home/demon/get_current_activity'$(date +%Y%m%d-)'T'$(date +%H)$(date +%M)$(date +%S) host=$1 s_name=$2 s_pass=$3 psql -A -t -q -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -c "SELECT activity_hist.get_current_activity( '$host' , '$s_name' , '$s_pass' )" >/dev/null 2>$ERROR_FILE line_count=`cat $ERROR_FILE | wc -l` if [[ $line_count != '0' ]]; then rm -f /home/demon/*.err >/dev/null 2>/dev/null cp $ERROR_FILE $ERROR_FILE'.err' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null fi rm $ERROR_FILE >/dev/null 2>/dev/null exit 0 

plpgsql dblink函数访问目标数据库中的视图,并将行插入到监视数据库中的服务表中。

 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION activity_hist.get_current_activity( current_host text , current_s_name text , current_s_pass text ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ DECLARE database_rec record; dblink_str text ; BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT dblink_connect(''LINK1'',''host='||current_host||' port=5432 dbname=postgres'|| ' user='||current_s_name||' password='||current_s_pass|| ' '')'; -------------------------------------------------------------------- --GET pg_stat_activity stats INSERT INTO activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity ( SELECT * FROM dblink('LINK1', 'SELECT now() , datid , datname , pid , usesysid , usename , application_name , client_addr , client_hostname , client_port , backend_start , xact_start , query_start , state_change , wait_event_type , wait_event , state , backend_xid , backend_xmin , query , backend_type FROM pg_stat_activity ') AS t ( timepoint timestamp without time zone , datid oid , datname name , pid integer, usesysid oid , usename name , application_name text , client_addr inet , client_hostname text , client_port integer, backend_start timestamp with time zone , xact_start timestamp with time zone , query_start timestamp with time zone , state_change timestamp with time zone , wait_event_type text , wait_event text , state text , backend_xid xid , backend_xmin xid , query text , backend_type text ) ); --------------------------------------- --ACTIVITY_HIST.HISTORY_LOCKING INSERT INTO activity_hist.history_locking ( SELECT * FROM dblink('LINK1', 'SELECT now() , lock.locktype, lock.relation, lock.mode, lock.transactionid as tid, lock.virtualtransaction as vtid, lock.pid, pg_blocking_pids(lock.pid), lock.granted FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks lock LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database db ON db.oid = lock.database WHERE NOT lock.pid = pg_backend_pid() ') AS t ( timepoint timestamp without time zone , locktype text , relation oid , mode text , tid xid , vtid text , pid integer , blocking_pids integer[] , granted boolean ) ); PERFORM dblink_disconnect('LINK1'); RETURN TRUE ; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; 


 # /etc/systemd/system/pg_current_activity.service [Unit] Description=Collect history of pg_stat_activity , pg_locks Wants=pg_current_activity.timer [Service] Type=forking StartLimitIntervalSec=0 ExecStart=/home/postgres/pgutils/demon/get_current_activity.sh XXXX postgres postgres [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target 

 # /etc/systemd/system/pg_current_activity.timer [Unit] Description=Run pg_current_activity.sh every 1 second Requires=pg_current_activity.service [Timer] Unit=pg_current_activity.service OnCalendar=*:*:0/1 AccuracySec=1 [Install] WantedBy=timers.target 

#chmod 755 pg_current_activity.timer
#chmod 755 pg_current_activity.service

#systemctl start pg_current_activity.service

因此,以每秒钟一次的镜头形式收集表演历史。 当然,如果一切都保持原样,桌子的尺寸将很快增加,并且几乎不可能进行生产性工作。





新节的创建由plpgsql函数activity_hist.archive_current_activity执行。 操作算法非常简单(使用archive_pg_stat_activity表的部分示例)。

 EXECUTE format( 'CREATE TABLE ' || partition_name || ' PARTITION OF activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity FOR VALUES FROM ( %L ) TO ( %L ) ' , to_char(date_trunc('year', partition_min_range ),'YYYY')||'-'|| to_char(date_trunc('month', partition_min_range ),'MM')||'-'|| to_char(date_trunc('day', partition_min_range ),'DD')||' '|| to_char(date_trunc('hour', partition_min_range ),'HH24')||':00', to_char(date_trunc('year', partition_max_range ),'YYYY')||'-'|| to_char(date_trunc('month', partition_max_range ),'MM')||'-'|| to_char(date_trunc('day', partition_max_range ),'DD')||' '|| to_char(date_trunc('hour', partition_max_range ),'HH24')||':00' ); INSERT INTO activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity ( SELECT * FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity WHERE timepoint BETWEEN partition_min_range AND partition_max_range ); 

 EXECUTE format ( 'CREATE INDEX '||index_name|| ' ON '||partition_name||' ( wait_event_type , backend_type , timepoint )' ); EXECUTE format ('CREATE INDEX '||index_name|| ' ON '||partition_name||' ( wait_event_type , backend_type , timepoint , queryid )' ); 

 DELETE FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity WHERE timepoint < partition_max_range; 



实际上,为什么要进行所有这些操作。 可以非常远程地接收报告,大致让人联想到Oracle AWR。
重要的是,为了接收报告,有必要在pg_stat_activity和pg_stat_statements视图之间建立关系。 通过将“ queryid”列添加到表“ history_pg_stat_activity”,“ archive_pg_stat_activity”来链接表。 添加列值的方法超出了本文的范围,在此进行了介绍-pg_stat_statements + pg_stat_activity + loq_query = pg_ash?


 WITH hist AS ( SELECT aa.query ,aa.queryid , count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity aa WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( aa.wait_event_type IS NULL ) ANDaa.state = 'active' GROUP BY aa.wait_event_type , aa.wait_event , aa.query ,aa.queryid UNION SELECT ha.query ,ha.queryid, count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity_for_reports ha WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( ha.wait_event_type IS NULL )AND ha.state = 'active' GROUP BY ha.wait_event_type , ha.wait_event , ha.query ,ha.queryid ) SELECT query , queryid , SUM( duration ) as duration FROM hist GROUP BY query , queryid ORDER BY 3 DESC 间隔' WITH hist AS ( SELECT aa.query ,aa.queryid , count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity aa WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( aa.wait_event_type IS NULL ) ANDaa.state = 'active' GROUP BY aa.wait_event_type , aa.wait_event , aa.query ,aa.queryid UNION SELECT ha.query ,ha.queryid, count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity_for_reports ha WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( ha.wait_event_type IS NULL )AND ha.state = 'active' GROUP BY ha.wait_event_type , ha.wait_event , ha.query ,ha.queryid ) SELECT query , queryid , SUM( duration ) as duration FROM hist GROUP BY query , queryid ORDER BY 3 DESC *间隔' WITH hist AS ( SELECT aa.query ,aa.queryid , count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity aa WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( aa.wait_event_type IS NULL ) ANDaa.state = 'active' GROUP BY aa.wait_event_type , aa.wait_event , aa.query ,aa.queryid UNION SELECT ha.query ,ha.queryid, count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity_for_reports ha WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( ha.wait_event_type IS NULL )AND ha.state = 'active' GROUP BY ha.wait_event_type , ha.wait_event , ha.query ,ha.queryid ) SELECT query , queryid , SUM( duration ) as duration FROM hist GROUP BY query , queryid ORDER BY 3 DESC后端' AND datname!='Postgres的AND(aa.wait_event_type IS NULL)ANDaa.state = WITH hist AS ( SELECT aa.query ,aa.queryid , count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity aa WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( aa.wait_event_type IS NULL ) ANDaa.state = 'active' GROUP BY aa.wait_event_type , aa.wait_event , aa.query ,aa.queryid UNION SELECT ha.query ,ha.queryid, count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity_for_reports ha WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( ha.wait_event_type IS NULL )AND ha.state = 'active' GROUP BY ha.wait_event_type , ha.wait_event , ha.query ,ha.queryid ) SELECT query , queryid , SUM( duration ) as duration FROM hist GROUP BY query , queryid ORDER BY 3 DESC 

 ------------------------------------------------------------------- | TOTAL CPU TIME FOR QUERIES : 07:47:36 +----+----------------------------------------+-------------------- | #| queryid| duration +----+----------------------------------------+-------------------- | 1| 389015618226997618| 04:28:58 | 2| | 01:07:29 | 3| 1237430309438971376| 00:59:38 | 4| 4710212362688288619| 00:50:48 | 5| 28942442626229688| 00:15:50 | 6| 9150846928388977274| 00:04:46 | 7| -6572922443698419129| 00:00:06 | 8| | 00:00:01 +----+----------------------------------------+-------------------- 


 WITH hist AS ( SELECT aa.query ,aa.queryid , count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity aa WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( aa.wait_event_type IS NOT NULL ) GROUP BY aa.wait_event_type , aa.wait_event , aa.query ,aa.queryid UNION SELECT ha.query ,ha.queryid, count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity_for_reports ha WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( ha.wait_event_type IS NOT NULL ) GROUP BY ha.wait_event_type , ha.wait_event , ha.query ,ha.queryid ) SELECT query , queryid , SUM( duration ) as duration FROM hist GROUP BY query , queryid ORDER BY 3 DESC 

 ------------------------------------------------------------------- | TOTAL WAITINGS TIME FOR QUERIES : 21:55:04 +----+----------------------------------------+-------------------- | #| queryid| duration +----+----------------------------------------+-------------------- | 1| 389015618226997618| 16:19:05 | 2| | 03:47:04 | 3| 8085340880788646241| 00:40:20 | 4| 4710212362688288619| 00:13:35 | 5| 9150846928388977274| 00:12:25 | 6| 28942442626229688| 00:11:32 | 7| 1237430309438971376| 00:09:45 | 8| 2649515222348904837| 00:09:37 | 9| | 00:03:45 | 10| 3167065002719415275| 00:02:20 | 11| 5731212217001535134| 00:02:13 | 12| 8304755792398128062| 00:01:31 | 13| 2649515222348904837| 00:00:59 | 14| 2649515222348904837| 00:00:22 | 15| | 00:00:12 | 16| 3422818749220588372| 00:00:08 | 17| -5730801771815999400| 00:00:03 | 18| -1473395109729441239| 00:00:02 | 19| 2404820632950544954| 00:00:02 | 20| -6572922443698419129| 00:00:02 | 21| 2369289265278398647| 00:00:01 | 22| 180077086776069052| 00:00:01 +----+----------------------------------------+-------------------- 


 WITH hist AS ( SELECT aa.wait_event_type , aa.wait_event FROM activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity aa WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND aa.wait_event IS NOT NULL GROUP BY aa.wait_event_type , aa.wait_event UNION SELECT ha.wait_event_type , ha.wait_event FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity_for_reports ha WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ha.wait_event IS NOT NULL GROUP BY ha.wait_event_type , ha.wait_event ) SELECT wait_event_type , wait_event FROM hist GROUP BY wait_event_type , wait_event ORDER BY 1 ASC,2 ASC ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WITH hist AS ( SELECT aa.wait_event_type , aa.wait_event , aa.query ,aa.queryid , count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity aa WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( aa.wait_event_type = waitings_stat_rec.wait_event_type AND aa.wait_event = waitings_stat_rec.wait_event ) GROUP BY aa.wait_event_type , aa.wait_event , aa.query ,aa.queryid UNION SELECT ha.wait_event_type , ha.wait_event , ha.query ,ha.queryid, count(*) * interval '1 second' AS duration FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity_for_reports ha WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND backend_type = 'client backend' AND datname != 'postgres' AND ( ha.wait_event_type = waitings_stat_rec.wait_event_type AND ha.wait_event = waitings_stat_rec.wait_event ) GROUP BY ha.wait_event_type , ha.wait_event , ha.query ,ha.queryid ) SELECT query , queryid , SUM( duration ) as duration FROM hist GROUP BY query , queryid ORDER BY 3 DESC 

 ------------------------------------------------ | WAITINGS FOR QUERIES +----------------------------------------------- | wait_event_type = Client| | wait_event = ClientRead| | Total time = 00:46:56| ------------------------------------------------ | #| queryid| duration +-----+--------------------+-------------------- | 1| 8085340880788646241| 00:40:20 | 2| | 00:03:45 | 3| 5731212217001535134| 00:01:53 | 4| | 00:00:12 | 5| 9150846928388977274| 00:00:09 | 6| 3422818749220588372| 00:00:08 | 7| 1237430309438971376| 00:00:06 | 8| 28942442626229688| 00:00:05 | 9| 4710212362688288619| 00:00:05 | 10|-5730801771815999400| 00:00:03 | 11| 8304755792398128062| 00:00:02 | 12|-6572922443698419129| 00:00:02 | 13|-1473395109729441239| 00:00:02 | 14| 2404820632950544954| 00:00:02 | 15| 180077086776069052| 00:00:01 | 16| 2369289265278398647| 00:00:01 +----------------------------------------------- | wait_event_type = IO| | wait_event = BufFileRead| | Total time = 00:00:38| ------------------------------------------------ | #| queryid| duration +-----+--------------------+-------------------- | 1| 28942442626229688| 00:00:38 +----------------------------------------------- 


 SELECT MIN(date_trunc('second',timepoint)) AS started , count(*) * interval '1 second' as duration , pid , blocking_pids , relation , mode , locktype FROM activity_hist.archive_locking al WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND NOT granted AND locktype = 'relation' GROUP BY pid , blocking_pids , relation , mode , locktype UNION SELECT MIN(date_trunc('second',timepoint)) AS started , count(*) * interval '1 second' as duration , pid , blocking_pids , relation , mode , locktype FROM activity_hist.history_locking WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND NOT granted AND locktype = 'relation' GROUP BY pid , blocking_pids , relation , mode , locktype ORDER BY 1 

  -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 | 锁定过程的历史
 + ----- + ---------- + -------------------- + ---------- + -------------------- + -------------------- + -------- ------------ + --------------------
 |  #|  pid | 开始 持续时间  block_pids | 关系| 模式 锁型
 + ----- + ---------- + -------------------- + ---------- + -------------------- + -------------------- + -------- ------------ + --------------------
 |  1 |  26224 |  2019-09-02 19:32:16 |  00:01:45 |  {26211} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  2 |  26390 |  2019-09-02 19:34:03 |  00:00:53 |  {26211} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  3 |  26391 |  2019-09-02 19:34:03 |  00:00:53 |  {26211} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  4 |  26531 |  2019-09-02 19:35:27 |  00:00:12 |  {26211} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  5 |  27284 |  2019-09-02 19:44:02 |  00:00:19 |  {27276} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  6 |  27283 |  2019-09-02 19:44:02 |  00:00:19 |  {27276} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  7 |  27286 |  2019-09-02 19:44:02 |  00:00:19 |  {27276} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  8 |  27423 |  2019-09-02 19:45:24 |  00:00:12 |  {27394} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  9 |  27648 |  2019-09-02 19:48:06 |  00:00:20 |  {27647} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  10 |  27650 |  2019-09-02 19:48:06 |  00:00:20 |  {27647} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  11 |  27735 |  2019-09-02 19:49:08 |  00:00:06 |  {27650} |  16541 |  AccessExclusiveLock | 关系
 |  12 |  28380 |  2019-09-02 19:56:03 |  00:01:56 |  {28379} |  16541 |  AccessShareLock | 关系
 |  13 |  28379 |  2019-09-02 19:56:03 |  00:00:01 |  28377 |  16541 |  AccessExclusiveLock | 关系
 |  |  |  |  |  28376 |  | 


 SELECT blocking_pids FROM activity_hist.archive_locking al WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND NOT granted AND locktype = 'relation' GROUP BY blocking_pids UNION SELECT blocking_pids FROM activity_hist.history_locking WHERE timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND NOT granted AND locktype = 'relation' GROUP BY blocking_pids ORDER BY 1 --------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT pid , usename , application_name , datname , MIN(date_trunc('second',timepoint)) as started , count(*) * interval '1 second' as duration , state , query FROM activity_hist.archive_pg_stat_activity WHERE pid= current_pid AND timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') GROUP BY pid , usename , application_name , datname , state_change, state , query UNION SELECT pid , usename , application_name , datname , MIN(date_trunc('second',timepoint)) as started , count(*) * interval '1 second' as duration , state , query FROM activity_hist.history_pg_stat_activity_for_reports WHERE pid= current_pid AND timepoint BETWEEN pg_stat_history_begin+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') AND pg_stat_history_end+(current_hour_diff * interval '1 hour') GROUP BY pid , usename , application_name , datname , state_change, state , query ORDER BY 5 , 1 

  -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
 + ---- + ---------- + ---------- + -------------------- +- --------- + -------------------- + ------------------- -+ ------------------------------ + ----------------- -----------------------
 |  #|  pid | 用户名|  application_name |  datname | 开始 持续时间 州| 询问
 + ---- + ---------- + ---------- + -------------------- +- --------- + -------------------- + ------------------- -+ ------------------------------ + ----------------- -----------------------
 |  1 |  26211 |  tuser |  psql |  tdb1 |  2019-09-02 19:31:54 |  00:00:04 | 闲置
 |  2 |  26211 |  tuser |  psql |  tdb1 |  2019-09-02 19:31:58 |  00:00:06 | 闲置交易| 开始
 |  3 |  26211 |  tuser |  psql |  tdb1 |  2019-09-02 19:32:16 |  00:01:45 | 闲置交易| 锁定表Wafer_data;
 |  4 |  26211 |  tuser |  psql |  tdb1 |  2019-09-02 19:35:54 |  00:01:23 | 闲置 承诺
 |  5 |  26211 |  tuser |  psql |  tdb1 |  2019-09-02 19:38:46 |  00:00:02 | 闲置交易| 开始
 |  6 |  26211 |  tuser |  psql |  tdb1 |  2019-09-02 19:38:54 |  00:00:08 | 闲置交易| 锁定表Wafer_data;
 |  7 |  26211 |  tuser |  psql |  tdb1 |  2019-09-02 19:39:08 |  00:42:42 | 闲置 承诺
 |  8 |  26211 |  tuser |  psql |  tdb1 |  2019-09-03 07:12:07 |  00:00:52 | 活跃 选择test_del();


根据基本查询,您可以远程获得与Oracle AWR相似的报告。
  + ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
 | 关于活动和等待的综合报告。 日期:09/03/2019 14:08
 | ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
 | 主机:XXXX
 |  BEGIN_SNAPSHOT:09/02/2019 14:08 END_SNAPSHOT:09/03/2019 14:00
 | ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
 | 当前数据库大小:
 | 数据库:监视器
 | 尺寸(MB):1370.00
 | ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
 | 集群CPU时间:19:44:22
 | 集群等待时间:78:49:16
 |  SQL DBTIME:65:53:09
 |  SQL CPU时间:19:05:21
 |  SQL等待时间:21:50:46
 |  SQL IOTIME:20:53:00
 |  SQL读取时间:20:52:55
 |  SQL写时间:00:00:05
 |  SQL呼叫:311293
 -------------------------------------------------- -----------
 |  SQL共享的块读取:13351563334
 |  SQL共享的区块命中数:2775427045
 |  SQL共享的块命中率/读取%:20.79
 |  SQL共享块隔离:21105
 |  SQL共享块写入:3656
 |  SQL临时块读取:7464932
 | 写入的SQL临时块:10176024
 -------------------------------------------------- -----------
 | 等待统计
 + ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
 | 系统过程中等待时间总计前10位的等待
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ -------- + --------------------
 |  #|  wait_event_type |  wait_event | 持续时间
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ -------- + --------------------
 |  1 | 活动|  LogicalLauncherMain |  11:21:01
 |  2 | 活动|  CheckpointerMain |  11:20:35
 |  3 | 活动|  AutoVacuumMain |  11:20:31
 |  4 | 活动|  WalWriterMain |  11:19:35
 |  5 | 活动|  BgWriterMain |  10:14:19
 |  6 | 活动|  BgWriterHibernate |  01:06:04
 |  7 | 活动|  WalSenderMain |  00:04:05
 |  8 | 客户|  ClientWrite |  00:04:00
 |  9 |  IO |  BufFileWrite |  00:02:45
 |  10 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:02:14
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ -------- + --------------------
 | 客户过程中等待时间总计前10位的等待
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ -------- + -------------------- + ----------
 |  #|  wait_event_type |  wait_event | 持续时间  %dbtime
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ -------- + -------------------- + ----------
 |  1 | 锁|  transactionid |  11:55:37 |  18.1
 |  2 |  IO |  DataFileRead |  07:19:43 |  12/12
 |  3 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:46:54 |  1.19
 |  4 | 锁| 关系|  00:40:37 |  1.03
 |  5 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:31:08 |  0.79
 |  6 |  LWLock |  buffer_io |  00:22:12 |  0.56
 |  7 | 超时|  PgSleep |  00:10:58 |  0.28
 |  8 | 锁| 元组|  00:01:30 |  0.04
 |  9 |  IO |  BufFileWrite |  00:01:16 |  0.03
 |  10 |  IO |  BufFileRead |  00:00:37 |  0.02
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ -------- + -------------------- + ----------
 | 系统过程中等待时间的等待类型
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ --------
 |  #|  wait_event_type | 持续时间
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ --------
 |  1 | 活动|  56:46:10
 |  2 |  IO |  00:05:13
 |  3 | 客户|  00:04:00
 |  4 |  LWLock |  00:03:07
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ --------
 | 针对客户过程的总等待时间的等待类型
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ -------- + --------------------
 |  #|  wait_event_type | 持续时间  %dbtime
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ -------- + --------------------
 |  1 | 锁|  12:37:44 |  19.17
 |  2 |  IO |  07:21:40 |  11.17
 |  3 |  LWLock |  00:53:26 |  1.35
 |  4 | 客户|  00:46:54 |  1.19
 |  5 | 超时|  00:10:58 |  0.28
 |  6 |  IPC |  00:00:04 |  0
 + ----- + ------------------------------ + ------------ -------- + --------------------
 | 等待系统过程
 + ----- + ----------------------------- + ---------- +- ------------------ + ---------------------- + -------- ------------
 |  #|  backend_type |  dbname |  wait_event_type |  wait_event | 持续时间
 + ----- + ----------------------------- + ---------- +- ------------------ + ---------------------- + -------- ------------
 |  1 | 逻辑复制启动器|  | 活动|  LogicalLauncherMain |  11:21:01
 |  2 | 检查点|  | 活动|  CheckpointerMain |  11:20:35
 |  3 | 自动真空发射器|  | 活动|  AutoVacuumMain |  11:20:31
 |  4 |  walwriter |  | 活动|  WalWriterMain |  11:19:35
 |  5 | 背景作家|  | 活动|  BgWriterMain |  10:14:19
 |  6 | 背景作家|  | 活动|  BgWriterHibernate |  01:06:04
 |  7 |  walsender |  | 活动|  WalSenderMain |  00:04:05
 |  8 |  walsender |  | 客户|  ClientWrite |  00:04:00
 |  9 | 平行工人|  tdb1 |  IO |  BufFileWrite |  00:02:45
 |  10 | 平行工人|  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:02:05
 |  11 | 平行工人|  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileRead |  00:01:10
 |  12 | 平行工人|  tdb1 |  IO |  BufFileRead |  00:01:05
 |  13 | 平行工人|  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_io |  00:00:45
 |  14 | 真空吸尘器|  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:00:09
 |  15 |  walwriter |  |  IO |  WALWrite |  00:00:08
 |  16 |  walwriter |  |  LWLock |  WALWriteLock |  00:00:04
 |  17 | 背景作家|  |  LWLock |  WALWriteLock |  00:00:03
 |  18 | 背景作家|  |  IO |  WALWrite |  00:00:02
 |  19 | 背景作家|  |  IO |  DataFileWrite |  00:00:02
 |  20 | 检查点|  |  IO |  ControlFileSyncUpdate |  00:00:01
 |  21 | 真空吸尘器|  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_io |  00:00:01
 + ----- + ----------------------------- + ---------- +- ------------------ + ---------------------- + -------- ------------
 |  SQL等待
 + ----- + ------------------------- + ---------- + ------ -------------- + -------------------- + -------------- ------ + ----------
 |  #|  queryid |  dbname |  wait_event_type |  wait_event | 持续时间  %dbtime
 + ----- + ------------------------- + ---------- + ------ -------------- + -------------------- + -------------- ------ + ----------
 |  1 |  389015618226997618 |  tdb1 | 锁|  transactionid |  09:47:43 |  14.87
 |  2 |  389015618226997618 |  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileRead |  05:47:07 |  8.78
 |  3 |  |  tdb1 | 锁|  transactionid |  02:07:54 |  3.24
 |  4 |  |  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileRead |  01:30:24 |  2.29
 |  5 |  8085340880788646241 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:40:20 |  1.02
 |  6 |  389015618226997618 |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:20:41 |  0.52
 |  7 |  389015618226997618 |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_io |  00:17:30 |  0.44
 |  8 |  2649515222348904837 |  tdb1 | 超时|  PgSleep |  00:10:58 |  0.28
 |  9 |  4710212362688288619 |  tdb1 | 锁| 关系|  00:10:44 |  0.27
 |  10 |  9150846928388977274 |  tdb1 | 锁| 关系|  00:10:24 |  0.26
 |  11 |  28942442626229688 |  tdb1 | 锁| 关系|  00:07:48 |  0.2
 |  12 |  1237430309438971376 |  tdb1 | 锁| 关系|  00:07:32 |  0.19
 |  13 |  |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:04:32 |  0.11
 |  14 |  |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_io |  00:04:13 |  0.11
 |  15 |  |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:03:57 |  0.1
 |  16 |  4710212362688288619 |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:02:26 |  0.06
 |  17 |  3167065002719415275 |  tdb1 | 锁| 关系|  00:02:20 |  0.06
 |  18 |  5731212217001535134 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:01:53 |  0.05
 |  19 |  1237430309438971376 |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:01:42 |  0.04
 |  20 |  389015618226997618 |  tdb1 | 锁| 元组|  00:01:30 |  0.04
 |  21 |  8304755792398128062 |  tdb1 | 锁| 关系|  00:01:29 |  0.04
 |  22 |  28942442626229688 |  tdb1 |  IO |  BufFileWrite |  00:01:16 |  0.03
 |  23 |  9150846928388977274 |  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileRead |  00:01:07 |  0.03
 |  24 |  28942442626229688 |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:01:03 |  0.03
 |  25 |  9150846928388977274 |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_mapping |  00:00:44 |  0.02
 |  26 |  28942442626229688 |  tdb1 |  IO |  BufFileRead |  00:00:37 |  0.02
 |  27 |  28942442626229688 |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_io |  00:00:25 |  0.01
 |  28 |  1237430309438971376 |  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileRead |  00:00:24 |  0.01
 |  29 |  28942442626229688 |  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileRead |  00:00:22 |  0.01
 |  30 |  5731212217001535134 |  tdb1 | 锁| 关系|  00:00:20 |  0.01
 |  31 |  4710212362688288619 |  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileRead |  00:00:19 |  0.01
 |  32 |  9150846928388977274 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:09 |  0
 |  33 |  3422818749220588372 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:08 |  0
 |  34 |  1237430309438971376 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:06 |  0
 |  35 |  389015618226997618 |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_content |  00:00:05 |  0
 |  36 |  4710212362688288619 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:05 |  0
 |  37 |  4710212362688288619 |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_io |  00:00:04 |  0
 |  38 |  28942442626229688 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:04 |  0
 |  39 |  28942442626229688 |  tdb1 |  IPC | 并行完成|  00:00:03 |  0
 |  40 |  389015618226997618 |  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileWrite |  00:00:02 |  0
 |  41 |  -5730801771815999400 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:02 |  0
 |  42 |  2404820632950544954 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:02 |  0
 |  43 |  -6572922443698419129 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:02 |  0
 |  44 |  8304755792398128062 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:02 |  0
 |  45 |  -1473395109729441239 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:02 |  0
 |  46 |  |  tdb1 |  LWLock |  buffer_content |  00:00:01 |  0
 |  47 |  180077086776069052 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:01 |  0
 |  48 |  |  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileWrite |  00:00:01 |  0
 |  49 |  28942442626229688 |  tdb1 |  IPC |  MessageQueueReceive |  00:00:01 |  0
 |  50 |  2369289265278398647 |  tdb1 | 客户|  ClientRead |  00:00:01 |  0
 |  51 |  9150846928388977274 |  tdb1 |  IO |  DataFileWrite |  00:00:01 |  0
 + ----- + ------------------------- + ---------- + ------ -------------- + -------------------- + -------------- ------ + ----------
 | 客户SQL统计
 + ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
 |  CLIENT SQL按经过时间排序
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + --------------------
 | 经过时间| 电话|  %dbtime |  %CPU |  IO百分比|  dbname |  queryid
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + --------------------
 |  06:43:19 |  36 |  10.2 | 九月85 |  17.38 |  tdb1 |  389015618226997618
 |  02:06:53 |  715 |  3.21 |  0.85 |  0.06 |  tdb1 |  1237430309438971376
 |  01:52:07 |  720 |  2.84 |  1.19 |  0.08 |  tdb1 |  4710212362688288619
 |  00:39:03 |  357 |  0.99 |  1.02 |  0.33 |  tdb1 |  28942442626229688
 |  00:22:00 |  8 |  0.56 |  0.96 |  0 |  tdb1 |  2649515222348904837
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + --------------------
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 |  cpu时间| 电话|  %dbtime | total_time |  %CPU |  IO百分比|  dbname |  queryid
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 |  16:14:38 |  36 |  10.2 |  06:43:19 | 九月85 |  17.38 |  tdb1 |  389015618226997618
 |  00:13:38 |  720 |  2.84 |  01:52:07 |  1.19 |  0.08 |  tdb1 |  4710212362688288619
 |  00:11:39 |  357 |  0.99 |  00:39:03 |  1.02 |  0.33 |  tdb1 |  28942442626229688
 |  00:10:58 |  8 |  0.56 |  00:22:00 |  0.96 |  0 |  tdb1 |  2649515222348904837
 |  00:09:44 |  715 |  3.21 |  02:06:53 |  0.85 |  0.06 |  tdb1 |  1237430309438971376
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 | 用户I / O等待时间排序的CLIENT SQL
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 |  io_wait时间| 电话|  %dbtime | total_time |  %CPU |  IO百分比|  dbname |  queryid
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 |  05:47:09 |  36 |  10.2 |  06:43:19 | 九月85 |  17.38 |  tdb1 |  389015618226997618
 |  00:02:15 |  357 |  0.99 |  00:39:03 |  1.02 |  0.33 |  tdb1 |  28942442626229688
 |  00:00:24 |  715 |  3.21 |  02:06:53 |  0.85 |  0.06 |  tdb1 |  1237430309438971376
 |  00:00:19 |  720 |  2.84 |  01:52:07 |  1.19 |  0.08 |  tdb1 |  4710212362688288619
 |  00:00:00 |  8 |  0.56 |  00:22:00 |  0.96 |  0 |  tdb1 |  2649515222348904837
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 | 共享缓冲区排序的CLIENT SQL读取
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 | 缓冲区读取| 电话|  %dbtime | total_time |  %CPU |  IO百分比|  dbname |  queryid
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 |  2562353244 |  36 |  10.2 |  06:43:19 | 九月85 |  17.38 |  tdb1 |  389015618226997618
 |  11041689 |  357 |  0.99 |  00:39:03 |  1.02 |  0.33 |  tdb1 |  28942442626229688
 |  3303551 |  715 |  3.21 |  02:06:53 |  0.85 |  0.06 |  tdb1 |  1237430309438971376
 |  3242892 |  720 |  2.84 |  01:52:07 |  1.19 |  0.08 |  tdb1 |  4710212362688288619
 |  0 |  8 |  0.56 |  00:22:00 |  0.96 |  0 |  tdb1 |  2649515222348904837
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 |  CLIENT SQL按磁盘读取时间排序
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 | 阅读时间 电话|  %dbtime | total_time |  %CPU |  IO百分比|  dbname |  queryid
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 |  03:37:46 |  36 |  10.2 |  06:43:19 | 九月85 |  17.38 |  tdb1 |  389015618226997618
 |  00:04:07 |  357 |  0.99 |  00:39:03 |  1.02 |  0.33 |  tdb1 |  28942442626229688
 |  00:00:59 |  720 |  2.84 |  01:52:07 |  1.19 |  0.08 |  tdb1 |  4710212362688288619
 |  00:00:42 |  715 |  3.21 |  02:06:53 |  0.85 |  0.06 |  tdb1 |  1237430309438971376
 |  00:00:00 |  8 |  0.56 |  00:22:00 |  0.96 |  0 |  tdb1 |  2649515222348904837
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 | 客户SQL按执行顺序排序
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 | 电话| 行|  %dbtime | total_time |  %CPU |  IO百分比|  dbname |  queryid
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 |  720 |  720 |  2.84 |  01:52:07 |  1.19 |  0.08 |  tdb1 |  4710212362688288619
 |  715 |  715 |  3.21 |  02:06:53 |  0.85 |  0.06 |  tdb1 |  1237430309438971376
 |  357 |  0 |  0.99 |  00:39:03 |  1.02 |  0.33 |  tdb1 |  28942442626229688
 |  36 |  36 |  10.2 |  06:43:19 | 九月85 |  17.38 |  tdb1 |  389015618226997618
 |  8 |  8 |  0.56 |  00:22:00 |  0.96 |  0 |  tdb1 |  2649515222348904837
 + -------------------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------ ---- + ---------- + ---------- + ---------- + ------------ --------
 |  SQL文本的完整列表

待续。 下一步是形成锁定历史记录(pg_stat_locks),这是对填充表的过程的更详细描述。

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/zh-CN467181/

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